[center] [color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 42/60[/color] Location: Quarantine Valley Word Count: dasdasdaw Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [indent][color=fff200]Karin Level 6: 43/60 [/color][/indent] [/center] Karin kept up her disguise for now, especially when it turned out the area was being watched by G-Men. The plan was an alpha strike- wipe out the entire enemy squad before they could notify each other of the danger. “Oh, excuuuse me, can you help with me something, sir?” Karin said, approaching a G-man ‘hiding’ inside a building. “There’s something I-” Karin cut herself off and bumrushed him as soon as the signal was given. There was some crashing and scattered object, and window broke. Karin emerged without her hat and sunglasses. Her outfit had changed dramatically thanks to her disguise. Well, she could always buy a new outfit later. Karin stealthed into the place with the rest of them. Karin was quite light on her feet, capable of moving much more silently than the average person, having been trained in Ninjutsu. But there was still no way she could sneak through and, say, pickpocket a captain of his key and then navigate everyone else through. It was usually better to begin an attack than to just wait until you are discovered. Karin went up above with Sandalphon using her grapple hook. It was hard to see her up there, and she made sure to stick to where they couldn’t see her. She tried to get closer to their target so she could drop down on him from above should the battle begin in earnest.