[CENTER][h1][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LjZhMzg3Yy5UM0JvY21WdWFXRWdWMmx1YzNSdmJnLjM/got-heroin.regular.webp/[/img][/h1][/CENTER] The sun was a little passed 4pm when Ophrenia finally got off at the bus stop that was miles away from her destination. She had taken a Grey Hound from the airport to get as close to Quintin as she could. The rest of the way she would have to walk. She tied her leather jacket around her waist. She was insane to have brought it with her, but she took it everywhere. Bringing it to Louisana had been a mistake. The heat was like nothing she ever experienced before. She was from Tennessee. It was hot, but not humid. California, where she lived now, was also hot but not humid. She could describe the heat as hell on earth, and she had to walk it. She mapped out her destination on GPS. It was a straight shot actually. Good. Nothing more she had to remember but that. She hit the road on foot. Her outfit being more of a detriment than a help. Her pants were long and black with four deep pockets. Her crop top also black; the sleeves long. Her hair frizzed up. Now wavy and on its way to poofy if she didn't get somewhere with air conditioning soon. She lasted an hour, before she put her thumb out for a ride to hitchhike the rest of the way. Dumb, she knew, but what else could she do? Lay down a die was an option she wasn't fond of. Fucking Eleanor had to be from the back swamps of Louisiana. She was starting to hate her friend for disappearing off the face of planet. And also hate herself for caring so much. She finally got a ride from an old man that was driving home from visiting family in New Orleans. He wasn't fazed by her piercing light blue eyes at all. And she thought that'd be the thing that wouldn't get her a ride. He talked the whole way about his grandkids on and off. Almost swerved off the road to show her grainy pictures on his flip phone. She entertained him, engaged him in conversation about anything that came to mind. The conversation didn't stay on track for more than a minute, before something else reminded either of them of something else. She had a great time talking to him. He dropped her off at the Webb Family Coffee House. "Thanks again, Morton. I'll be in town for awhile, so let's grab something to eat when we can." "See you Ophrenia. Good riding with you." He didn't drive away until she went inside. The wheels of her suitcase squeaked on the floor. She saw a long table full of people. She recognized Jennifer right away. She made a quick stop at the table, sliding her luggage under it by a chair next to a black woman will dark curly hair. She caught the tail end of a woman named Harmony introducing herself. "Hello all. Good to see you in person, Jen. Ophrenia Winston." She motioned to herself. "I'm gonna grab a water. Be back in a bit." She knocked her knuckles on the table and left as fast as she came. She went to the counter. She order iced water and saw they had apple pie as the pie of the day. The cafe reminded her of a place in her hometown. Felt very at home. If only the heat wasn't murder on her hair. She got a big slice of pie and her drink. She put a few singles on the counter. "Thank you, love." She winked at the waitress, then joined back with the group. "Hey, how are ya? Hope everyone's day was good. Louieana's heat's a killer." She sipped her water. It tasted like a swamp, but she was used to well water. Not much different. It quenched her thirst. Good enough for her. "Pie?" She offered to anyone that wanted some.