[hider=Ciel Baudelaire] [color=9BE4F6][h1][b][u]Human[/u][/b][/h1][/color] [color=f6989d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Ciel Baudelaire [color=f6989d][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=f6989d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1086556561842905111/1143487702235349013/2212114MBJ66MEz.png?width=500&height=500[/img] Standing at 5’6, Ciel has a lean build with feminine features and a pale complexion and messy, dark hair that falls in layered waves to partially obscure light red eyes, a trait from his ocular albinism, when left unkempt as the rest of his appearance tends to be with his bitten nails and haphazardly thrown on attire. The oversized t-shirts and shorts he prefers to don are frequently seen with headphones draped over his neck and glasses perched upon his nose to alleviate the lack of decent eyesight his legal blindness has so kindly gifted him. [color=f6989d][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Ciel is… eccentric to say the least. Ciel is known to bear a mischievous smirk and a smug laugh to those he is close to as he displays a rather childish disposition with his cynical jokes and teasing nature. Although, his carefree demeanor is but a front. Under the cocky words he uses to describe himself, he only uses such pridefulness to deflect anyone’s advances to get to know him better, unable to manage his emotions as any reasonable human would. Ciel’s fear of being known has made him somewhat of a hermit when he isn’t being a nuisance to his friends, spending his free time in his room to indulge in games or Japanese pop culture he’d be too scared to do so in their presence. His insecurities extend further than his interests however, as the culmination of his worries of people not liking him and his overly logical approach to everything causes him to adapt his personality to fit anyone’s preferences from simply spending a few minutes with them. Despite this, his cunning and observance is also often used to weasel his way out of situations others may find difficult; an ability he heavily relies upon. [color=f6989d][b]History[/b][/color] With a rather unremarkable beginning, Ciel was born to relatively normal parents with a relatively normal childhood, Ciel was an upbeat child who managed good grades effortlessly despite spending most of his time indoors due to his ocular albinism and general distaste for physical activity and becoming quite the social outcast amongst his peers. He didn’t mind it at first, however, being called annoying one too many times due to underdeveloped social skills caused him to become reclusive, preferring to stay in the comfort of his own presence which only served to further delay his emotional development. Keeping to himself, he exclusively distracted himself with his own interests and hobbies, ignoring the end of high school that was ever growing closer and closer where he now remains unsure of his actual goals in life but has decided to attend university for medical courses he doesn’t hold much interest for. [color=9BE4F6][h1][b][u]Magic[/u][/b][/h1][/color] [color=f6989d][b]Magical Form:[/b][/color] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1086556561842905111/1143637254217150535/liyAc6coyxs0.png[/img] reference is a giant wip until i have time to do a cleaner version His left eye becomes blue and his hair becomes white while his physical appearance is otherwise unchanged. His attire consists of skin-tight shorts and sleeveless top to give the translucent and white fabric that drape over him a greater spotlight. The harlequin patterns are in an alternating pale blue and pink whilst the rest of his outfit is either white with gold accents or translucent fabric adorned with white feathers. [color=f6989d][b]Weapon[/b][/color] An [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1086556561842905111/1143488259817746452/5-500x672.png?width=475&height=638]umbrella[/url] he uses as a bat, rapier, and walking cane. [color=f6989d][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] Ciel is rather weak by himself, only able to create wind currents but his strength comes from its versatility as it is rather formidable when supporting his friends’ powers where he is able to create mirages with fire, thunderstorms with water etc. However, his magic’s adaptability extends past complimenting other elements as it can be adapted into serving various needs as long as he can think of how to manipulate his powers, such as filling his umbrella with air to float, using strong winds to push heavy objects, carrying objects with a gentler breeze and the like. Apart from his standard wind current creation, Ciel’s voice is another interesting weapon in his magical form—with the ability to entrance anyone as long as they hear his songbird’s tune, if he could sing, of course. With underdeveloped vocals from years of being silent at school and in public, his singing isn’t the prettiest and as such, the few seconds he can hold a note is all his hypnotic abilities extend to, rendering it a lot less useful than it could be. [color=9BE4F6][h1][b][u]Companion[/u][/b][/h1][/color] [color=f6989d][b]Name:[/b][/color] Vayu [color=f6989d][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] A fluffy white dove with pale, blue eyes and delicate features perpetually pushed into a haughty expression. [color=f6989d][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Vayu was once a reclusive yet prolific, nomadic scholar who used air magic to aid her in her travels. Though she is unhappy with her animalistic form, she has decided to make the most of things and push her charge to perform to the best of his abilities, much to both of their chagrin. Her pragmatic approach and prioritization of order and discipline in anything she is a part of tends to encroach upon Ciel’s more impulsive nature but her hardened exterior is really more of a tough love as she only wants to see her charge succeed where she could not. One such rare case of affection is that Vayu can usually be seen perched atop Ciel’s head or in his arms as a means to comfort him in what she understands must be a difficult and unfamiliar environment to adapt to. [/hider]