[quote=@Emeth] Immobilizing a horde of small fry or one big baddie was the idea in the back of my mind that I totally didn't forget to add. Basically, the stronger they are, the more direct and prolonged eye contact needed to exert dominance. Intelligent creatures will catch on and look away before she gains direct control, but they'll be on a drug trip for a bit. Unintelligent creatures will become her temporary pets. [i]Hug[/i] the miseria. [i]Yes.[/i] Isn't it adorable? Shh, shh, ignore the bloody lady currently clawing you to death. [i]Look into my eyes.[/i] Edit: I'm fine with it not affecting them too. Just let me know what I should roll with. [/quote] Can always do both and develop it over the RP so she has a path she can follow! Nothing wrong with developing extra skills over time, makes for some more interesting interactions too! Keep that idea! Wendil says it shouldn't at the start so roll without for now