[h3] Cason [/h3] Cason chewed at his lip as he stared at the ceiling, basically waiting for Natalia to wake up. He didn’t know what was going to come from all of this, and honestly, he didn’t know what he had originally expected from that first kiss. All he knew, was that Natalia needed someone. She was broken, and he had seen the darkness that broke her. He had held her in his arms while she broke apart in front of him. In a small way, he felt obligated to take care of her. Then there was the fact that he felt drawn to her personality. It was an emotion he didn’t recognize, as a demon. He had cared for Anna, but it was more of an…obligation to keep her safe. With Nat, he couldn’t place any of the emotions. He didn’t even know who to ask about them. He was just…drawn to her. He felt as if he would gladly die for her. As the thoughts flooded his mind, Nat stirred against his chest, and he brought his hand up from the mattress to stroke her hair with a small smile, “Good morning. Where else was I going to go? I mean…you gave me plenty of reasons to stay, last night.” He chuckled and tilted her head up to cover her lips in a gentle kiss, inhaling deeply as he took in the comfort of her still being in his arms. After a moment, he broke the kiss and smirked, “How did you sleep?” [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean sighed, as Mika teased him. He was so high strung that he hadn’t even thought of how she might have slept, or if she slept. He shook his head, and sat up, roughly scratching the back of his head. But before he could apologize for ignoring her ‘good morning’ time, her words washed over him and he furrowed his brow, turning to look at her face a bit closer. He tried his hardest to read her expression, to see if he would be overreacting to worry about Nat in the moment. Her lazy shrug told him that the answer was ‘yes’, but he was worried nonetheless. “I didn’t even think to check last night.” He grumbled, wiping a hand down his face in annoyance. Nat being up so late was odd for her, unless she was drinking, in which case, she usually wasn’t alone. After their fight, it didn’t surprise him that she would have trouble sleeping. The problem, in his mind? She was with [i]him[/i]. “I feel like you should probably go. If I go over there, and he’s there…I don’t know if I can control myself. But if you go, at least there’s a buffer, you know? I promise to keep my cool and I promise that I won’t kill him, if he’s there.” He finally stated, giving his most convincing smile. He knew it wouldn’t convince Mika anymore than he could convince himself if he looked in the mirror. If Cason was with Nat, there was no guarantee he wouldn’t fly off the handle and kill him. [h3] Anna [/h3] Anna barely felt Sam move, as he woke up. She was sleeping so hard that she didn’t even dream. The exhaustion from the day before had broken her. However, as the atmosphere of morning overtook the room, she began to stir and tightened her grip around Sam’s waist with a soft groan of annoyance, “It’s morning…” She had no idea what had happened after she fell asleep the night before, but she could feel the tension in Sam’s muscles. She could feel the way that his breathing seemed a bit deeper, and more stressed and moreover, she could hear his pulse. Something had him rattled, and it may have been the entire situation that they found themselves in, or he may have been having anxiety from having to go off and find her. But it felt like something bigger. She lifted her hand and placed it against his jaw, pulling his face to where she could see his eyes head on, “What has you thinking so heavily? Did you sleep?” [h3] Duke [/h3] Duke stopped, just as he lowered his backpack into the bed of the truck. He felt the cold rush of a chill run down his spine as Esme’s voice broke the ambient noise of traffic and morning silence. He tilted his head downward, tapping his fingers on the side of the truck bed for a moment as he thought of what he could possibly say to her, after promising to stay. He wasn’t one to break a promise. But before he could say anything she continued, essentially speaking the words that were flooding through his brain. [i] He had never intended to stay.[/i] He closed his eyes, taking in her words, and opened his mouth to try and explain himself, but what could he say? He was leaving because he felt useless in this whole thing? He was leaving because being close to demons on a personal level was just a bit much for him? He was leaving because he felt he could be more use, just working for Bobby and doing his thing? Or he was leaving because falling in love with his best friend’s ex girlfriend just seemed like a not so subtle stab in the back, considering he had thought about making his move while they were still together? Yeah. That was part of it. “I don’t know how to explain any of it.” He almost whispered in between Esme’s questioning. He stepped back from the truck and crossed his arms over his chest, keeping his distance. He stared at the ground in front of him, shielding his eyes behind his cowboy hat as she began asking the real questions. He gritted his teeth and shook his head. “This whole thing, what you have here, it used to me my life. I used to matter to Dean and you and all of this. And then we all split up and things got bad and I’ve been better on my own for a while now. Things are simple. They are quiet. I don’t have to wonder where I stand with people and to the people I help, I matter.” He explained calmly, although his voice rose just a bit in frustration. “I don’t want to take all that safety away from you. And I don’t want to intrude on what he has, either. None of them want me here…” He kicked the pebbles in front of his boots in frustration and shook his head once again, lifting his chin to look at her, “I don’t even know where I’m goin’. I have no idea where I’m goin’…”