[center][color=306EFF][h1]Vola[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [b]Current Location[/b]: North Caves [b]Current Activity[/b]: Trying not to get eaten by mushrooms or squished like bugs by a bug with Lazash [@Crusader Lord] while exploring the caves and acting as bait for Akeno [@King Cosmos], Gren [@Lucius Cypher] and Grunthor [@Kazemitsu]. [hr] Vola wasn’t sure why she was surprised. This is another world filled with fantastical creatures and monsters and magic! Everything is so much different than her original world, including the plants. Hell, the Tungem tree was proof enough of the differences in flora already! Maybe it’s because they had the good luck to only encounter non-violent, docile plants so far that she didn’t have her guard up? Maybe she was just being stupid, especially when you consider the inherent danger even normal mushrooms possess with their potential poisonous nature? Whatever the case, she was caught completely off guard when the tine purple fungi launched their attack. Coughing slightly, she immediately brought one of her arms up to cover her mouth and tried to limit her breathing after using it to store the offenders. There’s no telling what long-term effects the spores may inflict, but hopefully this may mitigate the damage some? Unfortunately, her efforts immediately went to waste as the mushrooms’ unplucked compatriots tried to avenge their buddies, as barbed, tongue like tendrils shot out towards them, completely cutting off Lazash’s attempted warning. It was all Vola could do to dodge out of the way of the tendrils a hissed [color=306EFF]“Shit!”[/color] escaping her at a particularly close call. Immediately, her mind went into overdrive as she tried to analyse everything about the situation, looking for any weak spots or patterns in the attacks of the mushrooms. She could try to stab the shrooms with the spears, but getting close would be a problem and the tendrils aren’t really giving her a clear shot, so as to not waste any ammo, she’s putting that down as plan B, simply focussing on whacking away the tendrils that come to close with her loaded spear-thrower. As for pattern of attack…not all of the tendrils seem to be targeting them, some seem to be going for random rocks. Why though? The attacks are to precise to be random? Maybe…those rocks are close to where the spores exploded, could that be acting as some sort of homing beacon? Before Vola could find a way to test her hypothesis or find a way to put it to good use, Lazash made a counterstrike in the form of [b][i]Fire Bolt[/i][/b]. As the flames hit the fungus the whole area exploded in a flash of light as wave of heat washed over her body, reducing their fungal attackers to black shrivelled husks. Blinking her eyes quickly, to try to readjust to the darkness of the cave once more. Breathing out a sigh, Vola gave Lazash a smile and said quietly [color=306EFF]“Nice shot.”[/color] Unfortunately, any relief that she felt at the disposal of the fungal menaces was short lived as the overgrown cockroach decided it wanted to play as well. Having learned from the exploding mushrooms at least, the second that Vola saw the bug’s thorax start to expand, she whispered a hurried [color=306EFF]“Find cover!”[/color] to Lazash before raising her still-loaded spear-thrower and launched the spear as hard as she could towards the beetle, just as it shot a second bolt of light towards them. Sparing a split second glance to see if Lazash got to safety, Vola would then dive for cover as well. Hopefully she at least drew the attention to herself by throwing the spear so that the other girl would be less of a target... [hr] [hider=Skills and Equipment] [u][b]Current Skills:[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Ingestion[/b] - [i]After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank.[/i] [*][b]Rune Scribe[/b] - Rank I - [i]Isekai Skill. Normally, this Skill requires the User to be capable of at least one other Magic Skill. Use a personal writing system to imbue magical effects. At Rank I, the scribed Rune has only half the effectiveness of the original Spell and fades after 1 day. (For example, one could use this with a piece of parchment to produce a consumable Scroll of Fire Bolt--or place the Rune somewhere in the environment with certain spells to create a sort of booby-trap.)[/i] [*]Empty Skill Slot [*]Empty Skill Slot[/list] [u][b]Equipment and Inventory:[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Swaddling Pelts[/b] - Equip, Clothes - [i]Old animal skins used to keep an Orc baby warm as they sleep. Once the Runt is old enough to start hunting, these are usually just enough to cover the parts that need the most covering.[/i] [*][b]Wooden Stick[/b] - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - [i]A wooden stick. From a tree. That's...that's all there is to it. Can be thrown.[/i] [*][b]Sharp Rock[/b] - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - [i]A rock with a slightly sharp edge. Useful as a primitive knife or chisel. Can be thrown.[/i] [*][b]Stone Hatchet[/b] - Equip, Weapon/Tool - [i]Gren has it.[/i] [*][b]Tungem Leaf x4[/b] – Material – [i]Can be used to make a Leaf Compress[/i] [*][b]Bone Shards x3[/b] - Equip, Weapon/Tool – [i]Small bones splintered into sharp pieces. Though there’s no hole for a needle or threat, they could be used for sewing. They could also serve as a fragile arrowhead or fishhook, or be thrown like small darts.[/i] [*][b]Rotleaves x3[/b] [*][b]Rotleaf Seedpods[/b] [*][b]Petrified Fragment[/b] [*][b]Gren’s Spear Thrower[/b] - Equip, Weapon [Fire Hardened, Tungem Wood] - [i]A stick with a carved notch and handle. By placing a spear in the notch, it can be used as a lever to multiply the power of a throw. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, it may be as much as three times the force.[/i] [*][b]Fire Harden Short Spear[/b] x3 - Equip, Weapon [Fire Hardened, Tungem Wood] - [i] A haft roughly three to four feet long topped by a sharp point. Though lacking the range advantage inherent to most spears, it's easier to use in one hand and light enough to throw.[/i] [*][b]Pimplestools[/b] x4 – [i] Doesn’t appreciate being picked.[/i] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Current Quest] [b] Quest[/b]: Hunt for Food! [b]Optional Quests Available[/b]:[list][*]Gather wood for Bowbh’s forges. [*]Gather ore for Bowbh’s forges.[list] [*]Optional: Gather Bog Ore [*]Optional: Gather Cave Ore [*]Optional: Bring Bowbh high quality ore.[/list] [*][s]Discover the North Cave[/s][/list] [b]Target[/b]: Random [/hider] [hider=Levels] [u][b]1st Level up:[/b][/u][list] [*][b]Increase MP[/b] [/list] [/hider]