[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ErkQDOo.png[/img][/center] "We don't have all day, you know." Cosima bristled, mechanical fingers tightening around the bone saw as she leaned over the table, continuing her dissection of the corpse. If not for her cognitive enhancer allowing her to maintain focus, she'd probably have made a mess of the autopsy by now thanks to the cops' nagging. It was rather as if they [i]wanted[/i] her to rush it. Funny, that. [color=4DFFFF]"He does,"[/color] she replied with a shrug, gesturing to the body. [color=4DFFFF]"I'll bet this screwed up any plans he had for today."[/color] She kept her eyes zoomed in on the exposed tissue, noting every detail while she worked at it, but could hear the drawn-out huff of the officer standing over her. "Dr Driscoll, a case like this isn't a usual occurrence," the man continued, the irritation in his voice barely concealed. "We need answers, and we need them fast." It certainly wasn't. Murder was, but not under these circumstances. Even so, the cop's words did nothing to ease Cosima's suspicion. [color=4DFFFF]"Well, one thing's clear."[/color] With a pair of forceps, she held up the large bullet she'd just extracted. [color=4DFFFF]"That's quite some excessive force for taking out one Sk8te kid. Overkill in the literal sense."[/color] The officer grumbled as Cosima dropped the bullet into a small plastic bag he held out. "Finally. We'll figure out what we can from here." She knew full well they wouldn't. The justice system in Megacity-01 was about as useful as a solar powered flashlight. Every gang conflict, every theft, every unsolved murder, every other daily criminal occurrence made that much obvious. [i]And yet in med school, they preach at you to preserve human nature at all costs,[/i] she thought. [color=4DFFFF]"Glad I could be of help,"[/color] she replied, concealing her distrust behind a mask of courtesy, before resuming her search for further clues. [hr] Well, that had been a less than pleasant start to the morning. Once Cosima had cleaned up and bade the police goodbye as they left with the body, she returned to her office, its polished surfaces and pristine order in stark contrast with the chaos that routinely broke out in the outside world. Why would anyone have it in for a Sk8te kid this badly, she wondered, sitting at her desk. For all their reputation as an annoyance, Sk8te were far from a major threat. And what had he been doing in a heavily policed area? The logic didn't add up, and all she could conclude was the grim likelihood that greater trouble was brewing. It took a lot to unsettle her these days, but her eyebrows creased in the slightest of frowns as she tapped the back of her left wrist, searching Geo for more news while she waited for clients.