[hider=A FOOKIN LEGEND] [center][h2][u] Thomas Kavanagh [/u][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vll9PVu.jpg[/img][/center] [b][center] “I was a fookin legend in Barrowton… A fookin LEGEND!”[/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 18 | Male | Enthish | Commoner | 5.55 [/b] [/h3][/center] [h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Arrogant] ❖ [Opportunistic] ❖ [Outspoken] ❖ [Uncouth] ❖ [Hedonistic][/indent] Tommy is someone who fears nothing. Not because he is brave, but because he does not understand the consequences to his actions. He lives as he wishes, and relishes in the joys that the world has to offer. Gambling? What a thrill. Fighting? Exhilarating. Debauchery? He's all for it. What defines him is a continuous search for excitement, pleasure and joy in the world he's been so lucky to survive in as a commoner, all the while he continues to expand power and accumulate such wondrous experiences. A dilemma rests within his crass, confident personality though. Is he slowly becoming a member of the ruling class that he once so despised? Should he seek its downfall, when he lies so close to truly joining that circle that's so far away? Tommy is an unshakeable confident guy, yet he does not mind being the underdog. He lets people underestimate him, jeer, jape, laugh behind his back. He lets them think he's a dumb commoner scumbag that was stealing rings and horses before getting a lucky scholarship here because he takes pride in who he is, and makes no attempt to deny it. And it makes him look all the more better when he knocks them flat on their ass. Tommy loves who he is, he loves his family and he loves the way of life he follows. [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] Tommy isn't the picture of beauty, but it's not like he's ugly either. Messy brown hair, grey eyes and sharp cheekbones carry a decent chunk of the load, and to be quite honest, he's probably one of the better looking people in his family. He stands on the shorter side(around 5'7), but doesn't display the typical insecurity by a shorter man, but revels in it. Besides that, the man has an exceptional physique, one that both holds an extraordinary amount of musculature and yet looks very aesthetically pleasing. What is even more odd is that he is not the type to train in that regard. Do drunken bar brawls really give you that kind of build? His dress differs greatly depending on what he's aiming to accomplish. Strutting through lessons, or going about his business? Loose, casual attire. Trying to impress a highborn lady? The only suit he owns, perfume, the works. The man knows little about fashion sense, and usually looks for advice on the matter, but does have a love for jewellery when he's not on the job. Rings, chains, necklaces, the works. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Enthish - Native Avincean - Fluent Agrarian - Fluent Kerreman - Fluent [h3][u][color=red]T H E G I F T [/color][/u][/h3] [table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Base RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Augmented RAS[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]HP[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Blood Types[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Items[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell]{5.55}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{22}[/cell][cell]{Unleashed + ???}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]School[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Speciality[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Tier[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Base[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Offensive[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Defensive[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFD700]Magnetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Internal/Transmissive}[/i][/cell][cell]{4}. {Journeyman}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D8}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D8}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D8}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF8C00]Arcane[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Illusory/Luminescent}[/i][/cell][cell]{2}. {Apprentice}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D5}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D5}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D5}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FF0000]Binding[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Healing: Corporeal/Material Creation}[/i][/cell][cell]{2}. {Apprentice}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D5}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D5}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D5}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=BA55D3]Chemical[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Internal: Disruptive/External: Corruptive}[/i][/cell][cell]{1}. {Novice}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D4}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D4}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D4}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=1E90FF]Kinetic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{Enhancement/Sonic}[/i][/cell][cell]{5}. {Expert}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D10}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D10}[/cell][cell]{1/2 D10}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=00FF00]Atomic[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=800000]Blood[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=FFFFF0]Temporal[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=000000]Dark[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=808080]Command[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=a0410d]Primordial[/colour][/cell][cell][i]{?}[/i][/cell][cell]{?}. {?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][cell]{?}[/cell][/row][/table][table=bordered][row][cell][colour=white]Extra[/colour][/cell][cell][colour=white]Description[/colour][/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Fruit:[/colour][/cell][cell]?[/cell][/row][row][cell][colour=white]Other:[/colour][/cell][cell]?[/cell][/row][/table] [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Tommy was born to a mother on the streets of Barrowton, a middling city in the state of Enth, in a rather large family of travelers. He grew up in a massive household, with over 7 siblings, typical of a peasant. But he was somewhat special, in that he had a latent magical ability. Only a couple of his siblings could say the same, and he was the youngest. Surprisingly enough, also the only trueborn human of the group. For among his siblings counted a menagerie of halfbreeds, and nary a father that stayed among them. Perhaps it was because such a large family kept on expanding, growing bigger and bigger. For the Kavanagh's did not move alone, but as a unit. Uncles, aunts, grandparents, the troupe stayed together whenever and wherever they went. Even though Tommy knew he was special among his family for possessing the rare gift of magic, he believed he was special for another reason. His mother told him that she had only bore children of important and special men, and that he was one such child. A bastard son of Prince John of Enth, who had visited her bed. Whether this is true is something that is highly questionable, even given the Prince's demeanor and antics, but there is something of a resemblance in the two. Besides, he had a bloodtype! Isn't that something only those fancy noble folks get? And growing up around his vast family in the rougher parts of Enth, Tommy quickly learned what it was like to go to bed with an empty stomach. The thrill of stealing a horse from some middling merchant, and eating securely for a week. He became something of a myth in Barrowton, or so he says. The truth of the matter remains, he learned a lot of the tricks of the trade in that not so lovely part of the world. Thievery, gambling, drinking, spending every spare coin he got on a sneaky trip to a brothel, it was more than enough for him to live happily. One day, the Kavanagh's packed their bags and set off on a boat to the city of Ersand'Enise. He was upset to leave his hometown behind, but the way of their people dictated that they travel, and so they did. This city was nicer, richer, but they never saw much of inside the walls. Instead, they worked in Moli's emporium in Mudville. A pleasant enough place, not too dissimilar to his homeland despite better weather. Surprisingly, he adapted far better to this climate than to his former homes. Job security was snatched away from him when Moli's was destroyed by a band of rampaging noble kids. He saw a lot of it. As did his family. Thankfully, they never lost anyone, but a lot of people he cared about perished in the fires and collapses that occurred. It was not something the school could so easily sweep under the rug. And having lost their jobs, his parents were given a boon to stay silent. A free ride for one of your kids to attend the prodigious academy, if they had the manas. His sister would have been a prime candidate, a half-yasoi, but she sadly was a couple years too old. He, however, was in the prime age range. 17 years old and just enough manas to pass the test, he was admitted in. The next year of school was a grand old time. He learned a lot of magic, and his innate ability helped with that learning, but the books were still an issue. It took him a while to learn how to read properly, He made plenty of comrades, and enemies in the beer hall. A drunken night lead to something special, and he emerged from that night significantly more confident, for what reason is yet to be seen. A fateful night also came when he got a stipend from his scholarship. A vast amount of money for a commoner of his station, meant to be spent on living expenses. What the school didn’t account for is the impulsive brain of Tommy. He took that paycheck and spent it at the Vermillion Swirl, on a rather pretty Eeiako. A night of fun, japes and joking, and once again, he emerged more confident and enriched from the experience. A friendship made over pleasures of the flesh. Now, he awaits the next year. A chance to show off in the trials. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] Tommy is here because he's a lucky bastard. When Mudville was wrecked, he was given this chance as one of the only kids with RAS to stay hush about the whole event, and he intends to make good on this scholarship. Before school, he was a traveling carnie, thief, bruiser, whatever people would pay him to be. Here? He gets to mix with the upper crust, romance some pretty noble ladies, beat up some highborn lads with little consequences and enjoy life to its fullest, all the while gaining strength and experience. What better reason could someone have? [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖Brass Knuckles ❖A butterfly knife ❖A hand crossbow ❖A pistol ❖Tripwire ❖One decent suit ❖Bottle of too strong cologne ❖Some firecrackers and smoke bombs. ❖A comb [/indent] [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖Peak physicality - Even though he’s got a good muscle mass and a rather aesthetic body, he’s strong. Immensely strong. Beyond human strength, reaching into the realm of monsters like sanguinaires and wildbloods. Not that he even knows what those are, or why he has such immense strength. ❖Incredible instincts - As a result of being an unleashed, Tommy has beyond human reflexes, instincts and overall awareness. What some describe as a ‘sixth sense’ or ‘the zone’ is in constant application in the man’s life. ❖Seasoned brawler - Tommy is a fighter. He’s fought in more than a fare share of drunken bar brawls, street fights, pits, boxing matches, the works. He has a good instinct for battle, and definitely knows how to throw a punch ❖Confident - Belief in oneself is paramount to success. For if you do not believe in your own abilities, you’ll never take risks or try. Tommy’s always willing to take those risks. He’s always willing to talk to a girl that’s way out of his league. And simply because of that, those many swings will eventually lead to a hit. That’s how he’s got by in life, and that’s how he intends to keep living. His mindset doesn’t allow the possibility of defeat, and even if it occurs, it was simply unlucky, or out of his control. ❖Sturdy - Not only is he immensely strong and fast, he’s got a ridiculous constitution. Being brought up on the filthy streets of Barrowton, he’s had his run ins with disease, and sickness, and not once has he succumbed in a significant way. He has a strong tolerance for alcohol, pretty much never gets sick and can function on very little sleep. [/indent] [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Arrogant - Facts are, the guy believes in himself. A bit too much. At the end of the day, he’s a low ras commoner flaunting around power and one day, he’s going to get squished like a bug because he’s not careful in who he picks a fight with. ❖Crass - The guy is not a eloquent speaker. He tries to be, if there’s incentive, but he doesn’t understand court etiquette, nor does he really show people the respect they probably deserve. ❖Uneducated - He’s not had a formal education. He’s worldly wise to an extent, but as far as actual knowledge goes? He’s got almost nothing there. Sciences, languages, etc are foreign to him. ❖Impulsive - Tommy doesn’t ask, he acts. He’s rash and headstrong, and doesn’t understand danger because he doesn’t believe that he could lose. He’ll happily drag people down with him due to his bad decisions. ❖Overclocked - The downside to being an unleashed is he is prone to mental instability. An overworked mind leads to him seeking pleasures to soothe it, whether that be of the flesh, drugs, gambling, or whatever else. He’s prone to addiction by virtue of his being, as well as being somewhat unstable.[/indent] [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3] Guy has a massive fucking family. Like 30+ members. All here, in Mudville. Nearly all his siblings are half-breeds of some kind. Half yasoi, half-eeiako, the works. Color Code = [color=gray]Gray[/color] [/hider]