As Ashe stepped into the dimly lit tavern, the creak of the heavy wooden door drawn a few eyes her way. The air was filled with a warm mix of laughter, clinking tankards, and the soft strumming of the bard's guitar. The contrast between this unfamiliar yet oddly reminiscent tavern and her homeland struck Ashe as she took in the scene. The walls, baked by the unrelenting sun, were constructed of clay rather than the dark timber and rough stones she was accustomed to. Underfoot, the floor felt coarser, sandy grains shifting subtly with each step. Somehow all taverns were the same. You had the barkeep, the barmaids, the groups of nobles or at least wealthier villagers and in the back...her favorite spot. The gambling tables. Ashe refused the alcohol that was offered and only asked for some goat milk which she drank slowly. She lifted the cup just enough for the others not to see her face but as well, enough to be able to drink in peace. "[color=gold]'Haven't played cards in a long time, but I can see some dice games. And if you haven't yet figured it out... I'm good at dice games. You could say I'm a lucky person,'[/color]" said Ashe before heading over, leaving Fyr with Lapis and Arthur. Briefly, she stopped and heard Dal's song. Ashe knew the song well; it was something from her homeland. Something she had heard in taverns more than once, but certainly not something sung in a bar in the middle of the desert. The patrons seemed moved by the song, and a few threw some coins onto the stage in thanks for such a lovely performance. Of course, Ashe approached the stage and gave a mock applause to Dal before picking up five coins that were thrown and then turned around, making her way to the dice tables. "[color=gold]Hey-ho, boys. Got room for one more? I've got exactly 5 coins to roll with, and I plan to clear you out. What's the game?[/color]" announced Ashe as she approached a group of a few men. They looked like thugs, big and muscular, with dark skin. They laughed at Ashe's bravado initially, but seeing that she wasn't moving away, one of them said in a loud, gruff voice: "[color=gray]You've got balls on you, missy. It's barbooth. If you know the rules, feel free to join; if not... SOD OFF![/color]" "[color=gold]Know the rules? I've written them. Five coins on the next roll.[/color]" "[color=gray]I'll match your 5, that you sod your roll.[/color]" said one of the thugs before all of them joined in. [hider=Roll] 1d20+2 --> 20 + 2 --> 22 [/hider] Ashe smiled at the dice and rolled them. With a knowing grin, she felt her magic guide the dice as they tumbled, and they rolled until... [i]6-6[/i]. The other player rolled 1-3. Ashe won. "[color=gold]Guess today is my lucky day, boys. Sorry about that.[/color]" said Ashe as she took her earnings before walking towards the table where the group had initially sat, lifting a small pouch containing all the gold she had earned. "[color=gold]What can I say? I'm lucky.[/color]" said Ashe confidently, making the pouch jiggle with a satisfying [i]clink[/i].