[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 478(+1) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 9[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]/////////////////////////////////////[/color]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (36/110) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Suoh [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 1 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room Top of the Split mountain Outside the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage Tostarena Town S.O.U. Building Seiran Clinic Underground Roadway (Seiran Rebel Base Outskirts) Below City of glass entrance (plate maintenance tunnel) Vandelay Campus (Alleyway) [/hider] [/center] Midna spoke a bit with Gamma in the 3 way junction room, filling him in on the limbless person’s existence, and getting info about what Sakura was up to in turn. She agreed with his assessment that they’d have to deal with the doll-making doctor first if they wanted to have a chance of extracting his victim, but decided to first back up Sakura. After all [color=Aquamarine]”She’s talking to someone who works in this madhouse? That’s a situation just waiting to go south”[/color] she predicted, perhaps projecting herself into the situation a bit more than she should, because she certainly wanted to deliver some pointed words to whoever was in charge. It was also strange that he didn’t know anything about Peach, or, presumably about people being turned into Others, she thought. [color=Aquamarine]”Was this a trap?”[/color] she wondered. The people they were tracking down had certainly befallen something. [color=Aquamarine]”Did they deliberately make a lot of noise about this to lure dissidents here?”[/color] she theorized as a result. If so, it was all the more reason to go and back Sakura up before things went south. After suggesting Gamma also start heading that way ([color=Aquamarine]”I don’t think the doctor’s going anywhere, so might as well be ready to charge in like a gallant knight and back us ladies up, right?”[/color]), she moved as swiftly as she could towards the third and final room. Inevitably, she was too late, and things were already in the middle of going south, the princess arriving just in time to see Sakura shoot a hadouken between two psych-off operatives and some unfortunate looking woman with bolts stabbing into her joints, visible dark veins that did not look healthy and a leather mask that seemed stitched onto her face. Despite this unpleasant looking state of being, she was clearly dangerous from her movements, and the giant wheel of blades attached to her back. The masked princess pulled herself out of the shadows next to Sakura, ready to fight, only to be confused about her subsequent actions of practically begging the operatives to stop and demanding to know if the 4th individual in the room, the one with the exposed brain, had something to do with how they were acting. [color=Aquamarine]”Roadblock, shield us”[/color] she commanded, summoning the bulky exosuit before them, who raised a massive translucent barrier shield between them and the hostels that Sakura didn’t seem to want to fight. It’d give them a few moments to get on the same page, she hoped. [color=Aquamarine]”Are these some of the people who came back acting entirely differently?”[/color] she guessed, before also guessing that [color=Aquamarine]”We can probably free them with friend hearts? If what that lunatic Consul C talked about is true with it restoring people to their original state is right anyway”[/color] Then she jabbed a finger at the brain person and demanded to know [color=Aquamarine]”The person with their limbs cut off two rooms over, that your dong?”[/color] while the other three were held at her sides, ready to draw a flurry of blades if she didn’t like his answer.