[center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065766267379785800/1144399176172584960/78a36dd0600a43ba44bb63bb8ac3400f.png[/img][hr] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065766267379785800/1144386245338869913/The_Right_Side_of_Wrong.png[/img][hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngtAg_RAS_g&pp=ygURZmFudGFzeSBsYXcgbXVzaWM%3D[/youtube][/center][hr] Once Desmond was cuffed and brought to his feet, he knew what was coming. The law never liked those who were 'one of them' to be attacked. Men who were the 'law' had died, and those who were 'one of them' wanted blood. Desmond knew, he could feel it in every blow that landed on him. For Desmond, punishment was not something he was adverse to, with his armor softened every blow, and his body already hardened, these were nothing. He couldn't say anything for those with him, all Desmond could do was hope they'd shut up, but that wasn't something that would stop them from throwing more blows, it would just stop them from escalating the punishment. In the city, Desmond felt the heat bare down on his head, the feeling of blows across his body, and chanting. [color=gold][i]'Oh, what a time to remember'[/i][/color]. Desmond's mind wandered, he had thought this would be the right thing, but was it truly? Why was he here? He couldn't tell anyone, he couldn't even think of why himself. But he had an old memory, the chanting and the clattering of chains. He was a small boy, no older than 8 as he was lifting a stone and setting it down to make a wall. Connected to other children and younger men and women, they were on barren lands with piles of stone being made by other young men and women. Everyone looked tired, dirty, unwell, and without food or water. But they had one thing, a strange [url=https://youtu.be/aUDDP9RR_VU]hum[/url], one reminiscent to the chanting he was hearing around him. Desmond quietly hummed to himself, lost in that memory, it was something nice, strangly, maybe it was the last thing he remembered of his mother or father. Or maybe it was just a simple time, one where he felt…normal. The humming reminded him of a time…a time long past. Before memories began and faded, covered in a smoke long forgotten, it was calming in it's own way. Calming to a child, but he had forgotten the words of the song, only the hums remained, yet it was enough for him. It felt like a memory, or like a dream, maybe it was trying to remind him of something. Yet before he could ever remember, he felt a strike to the back of his head, and it returned Desmond to his present moment. The chanting, the unbearable heat, his current position. An officer who was able to speak Avincian came and let out a laugh and began to chant, [color=gray]"You are fuck"[/color]. The other officers began to crow the same, Desmond chuckled to himself, he knew they had to be mimicking someone, and there is a possibility of who it was. But it did not matter, they pushed them further and continued to taunt, even with the taunting, it meant nothing, until they brought up others. Desmond's teeth gritted as he nearly snapped out at them, but he let it go, they could try, but Desmond knew they could both handle themselves. They were finally pushed into a large hall, with a man in bold colored clothing, an imposing height among Cazenax, and a strong aura, Desmond knew this man must have been a 'big wig'. And as he spoke, his words told Desmond everything with his words, Desmond smiled as he spoke, [color=gold]"Good, I wouldn't want you"[/color]. Another strike landed upon Desmond as he was pushed off into a long corridor to somewhere unknown. Desmond and Tku were the first to be thrown unceremoniously into a small cell, next came the Sirrahi who nearly filled the cell on their own. Desmond began to look around the cell, nothing, not a single inkling of energy within. Only thick stone walls, and a bucket, that has a bit of a smell. Desmond shook his head as he began to hear one of the Sirrahi wail and cry out. It was the other more stoic one to introduce themselves, and Desmond reciprocated, [color=gold]"Well, Gisté-Luno, wish we could have met in better conditions, but, either way, I'm Desmond. Desmond Catulus"[/color]. The wailing of the other Sirrahi continued, between the two, he could see similarities of people he knew. The younger much more like some of the kids he knew, many of the Rat Bastards were quite similar in that way. Allowing something to happen, for fear of being caught in further trouble. The older of the two, Gisté-Luno, seemed to be ready, standing for what he believed, even in the face of danger. Desmond chuckled to himself, seeing his own restraints and thinking, did he really stand for what he believed in. Desmond talked lightly among the cell, to Tku asking for if he was alright. To Gisté-Luno to tell him a bit more on Nyax-Acan, maybe even knowledge upon the An Zenui. Just something to pass the time, as silence is often more deafening than the roars of your own demise. Yet no matter the talks, Desmond kept tabs on the energies around him, he want to know, needed to know, what is happening around him. A nervous tick that's never left him, he could feel the countless bodies shifting and moving into a larger chamber, sounds continued to build as often it is an ample energy source when larger groups began to form. The heat within stayed neutral most likely the work of magics of those within. Soon the energy grew even more, what would have been an ample energy source became a near blinding sensation. [color=gold][i]Soon[/i][/color]. What was unexpected was when someone came to their cell, a smaller demon who Desmond and Tku had met before, the Imp, Naxos. When Naxos broke the ice Desmond chuckled and said, [color=gold]"Yeah, it doesn't look that good ya know"[/color]. Desmond then began to laugh, [color=gold]"Well ain't that some good luck that you're a lawyer, we needed one of those"[/color]. Desmond let Naxos continue to talk, listening in and then eventually he gave a light nod before Naxos left. [center][hr][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1065766267379785800/1144396744696807494/bc9dba0d1dfabfb005510f7edc6659d7.png[/img][hr][h1][color=00a99d]Gorgeous Gowns and Heavy Gavels[/color][/h1][hr][/center] A minute after Naxos left 6 guards threw open the cell door and began to charge in, grabbing onto each of them and pulled them out. Throwing them to the ground as they began to have bags thrown onto their heads and ropes tightened upon the necks, nearly enough to bruise alone. Desmond felt himself then lifted by his wrist bindings and kicked in his side and was yelled at, [color=gray]"UP"[/color]. They were brought into the large hall, it filled with bodies, and many more outside and further he could feel. This was going to be something, something that would change everything in this city. Desmond could feel it in his bones, it could have also been the multiple pieces of garbage, bones, and even rocks that were thrown onto them. Desmond did not let himself flinch. Soon he was forced into his seat, having his hand bindings undone before they were then bound to his chair. Naxos quickly spoke to them, reassuring them they had a good case, which made Desmond slightly more assured. Talking began to happen, however most of the talking seemed to hush itself. The excitement seemed even more growing and then finally their bags were removed. When the bags were ripped off, Desmond felt the bag get grabbed and ripped, the rope wasn't untightened, and it felt as if they tried to rip his head off. Yet Desmond kept his head steady, he kept himself solid. Especially in front of [i]'his eminence'[/i], Nyax Acan. Desmond saw the quick and decisive work of Nyax-Acan, from simply looking upon the woman, he deduced the entire situation. The Sirrahi were proven innocent in a moment, the woman escorted out, and multiple others seemed to almost run rampant with murmurs and sent out as well. Leaving the place deathly quiet for what came next. Police died, and someone had to pay for the crime, Nyax-Acan made it very clear and then had his gaze fall upon Desmond, and asked him, who really did it, and why did Desmond take the fall. All that happened was a smile was left on Desmond's face, as he looked to Nyax-Acan, and he opened his mouth…