[center][color=EE82EE][h1]Faye Wrexlyn[/h1][/color] [hider=Inventory] Pokédollars: 1,800 Egg in Egg Case 1x Potion 10 Pokéballs Dawn Stone Camping backpack with a cold weather sleeping bag with a sleeping pad added to it, waterproof canvas tarp, 50 ft of rope, mess kit, extra clothes, a week of food (granola, jerky, a few canned soup, basic pokemon food for a few common types, etc), water purification kit and canteen, compass and maps of the region, magnesium fire starter, multi-tool knife, and a camping saw. [/hider] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=On-hand] [hider=Sage][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/eff1d438-78da-49ea-9491-bc93a470ef66.png[/img][h3]♂[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Eevee [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Normal [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 6 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Tackle, Tail Whip, Growl, Sand-Attack [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Adaptability - Increases STAB from 1.5x to 2x [u][b]Held Item:[/b][/u] [/hider] [hider=Tilia][img]https://i.imgur.com/dOaqd7S.png?1[/img][h3]♀[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Rowlet [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Grass/Flying [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 5 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Tackle, Growl, Leafage [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Overgrow - Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low. [u][b]Held Item:[/b][/u] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=PC] [/hider][/hider] [/center] Every single dilapidated structure called out to her. Things that lasted the troubles Cipher brought to the land. Whether or not they had something to do with why these were abandoned she wouldn't know without a proper look. Unfortunately for her, but fortunately for the mission, every time she spent too long looking and starting to venture into what clearly was not a place the pokemon that stole the engine were hiding, Sage yipped to help direct her toward another spot. [I]Sploosh[/i] She looked down then let out a heavy sigh. That would be a nightmare to clean, but she wore her hiking boots for a reason. She expected to step in stuff, and they were already old and beaten. It would have just been nice to [i]not[/i] be a mess. At least they were on the right path. "[Color=ee82ee]Okay, you're right. They're not in any if the buildings. Think you can keep us on the trail now that we've got a good fresh bit of oil and maybe scent of whatever that pokemon is to track?[/color] Sage nodded with a confident. "[Color=a2d39c]Ee eevee vee ee.[/color]" He smelled around the oil a bit before leading the way (at least toward the next bit of oil) with his trainer left to follow his lead.