[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pV5BXbKd/magic-girl-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] Slowly waking up, Aria blinks against the sunlight filtering through the leaves above. The trees rustle softly, and the sound of birds chirping fills the air, helping her shake off her sleepiness. She groans softly as she sits up, her eyes widening in confusion as she takes in her surroundings. "Where am I?" Aria mutters to herself, looking around the unfamiliar clearing. The grass beneath her feels different, and the flowers around her are strange too. The trees have a funny color to them, and the leaves are unlike any she's seen before. Then, her heart skips a beat as she notices the other girls nearby. She blinks again, thinking she might still be asleep and dreaming. But the reality of the situation sinks in quickly, and her cheeks flush with embarrassment and disbelief. "No way, this can't be real," Aria mutters, her voice shaky with anxiety. Her eyes shift to her attire, her gaze settling on the pink bow on her outfit. It's like something out of a fantasy story, and she can't help but feel ridiculous. "This... this can't be happening. What kind of cruel joke is this," Aria mumbles, her voice a mix of shock and awkwardness. She bites her lip, her logical side trying to come up with an explanation. But looking around, she realizes that logic might not work wherever she is now. In the midst of her own disbelief, Aria's attention is drawn to another girl, Sayu, who appears to be in a state of frenzy. Aria observes as Sayu shakes another girl awake, her own bewilderment mirrored in her actions. Feeling a mixture of reassurance and a common sense of puzzlement, Aria takes a few steps closer. Her gaze shifts between Sayu and the other girls, her expression a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Taking a deep breath, she decides to break the ice, her voice soft but carrying a hint of nervousness. "Um, h-hello there?" Aria's words are tentative, reaching out in an attempt to bridge the gap of the unknown. Interacts with: [@Hammerman]