[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6W7bqko.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,504 (+3) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 12 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (270/120) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 12 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (155/120) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 12 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (147/120) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 8 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (81/80) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins [hider=warp locations] [s] Central hub: Smash City Alcamoth Accessible locations: Peach’s castle Limsa Lominscuttle Town Lumbridge Twilight Town Kosm’s Beach [/s] [/hider] [/center] Together the seekers took down the scrapwork wasp queen, tearing off its metal armor, and destroying its internals, sending both falling down into the massive pit below the platform the ground pounders were fighting from. That proved to be a bit of an issue for Rika, who had been clambering around on the machine like a chainsaw armed tick, because as the last bit fell, it took rika with it, machinery and princess plunging down into the abyss [color=Aqua]”It’s been cutting you up, but I gotta blast”[/color] Rika told the wreckage as she angled her rigging guns down at the wreckage and then fired them in tune with giving her featherfall rune a squeeze, launching herself up into the air with explosive speed. She fired her grappling hook upwards towards the platform the seekers had been fighting on, only for the fall to have taken her too far down to reach it. [color=Aqua]”Uh oh”[/color] she intoned, before calling out for [color=Aqua]”Help!”[/color] as she started to (slowly thanks to the rune) fall into the pit. Fortunately, Kamek had been keeping an eye on her, and was already swooping down to help her. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Not to worry! Just grab on and-”[/color] the mage called down as he descended upon his broom, only to go [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ek!”[/color] in surprise as Rika’s grapple grabbed his broom, and dragged him down to her. [color=Aqua]”Oh! Sorry”[/color] the shipgirl apologize as she swung from the line where it connected her to his broom, and then managed to get a hand up to awkwardly grab on, her gauntlet kind of getting in the way of that as she almost knocked him off with it [color=Aqua]”Sorry again!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ah, Oh dear. Well. I suppose that works”[/color] the mage said once he’d steadied them both. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Now hold on, this might take a while”[/color] he warned, as he slowly started to ascend back up towards the paltorm- only for it to shatter as a result of Rumor’s scepter throw mere moments later. Light suddenly graced their eyes, revealing a second, rather more precarious set of platforms down below, which was convenient as it meant there was something for the plummeting King and Prince of the koopas to land on after they careened past the princess and their royal advisor. [color=Aqua]”Oh, guess I could have landed on that just fine”[/color] Rika calmly noted (not at all perturbed by the giant bee turning into a plane above them) only to correct herself when she saw one of the platforms disintegrated beneath Bowser as the king was trying to pick himself up and dumped him down another layer [color=Aqua]”Oh. Or not”[/color] [color=Aqua]”Do you think he’s ok?”[/color] she asked, only for the King to come leaping back up onto the upper set of platforms with a furious roar, rejoining his son who had been faster and avoided being dropped down despite his 2 passengers [color=Aqua]”Oh, yup, looks like it”[/color] They two turned out to be even more Ok when Sectonia summoned up a massive crystal for them to stand on, giving the pair some permanent ground from which to start launching AA fire up at the bomber bee. Bowser alternated between charging and firing flash cannon beams which didn’t care about the issue of firing against gravity, while Jr had Dazzle sing his disarming voice up to the heavens and Mimi copycat his song yo make it a duet, one that bypass the same gravity issue, sending twin beams of pink soundwaves pulsating up into the air. Rika meanwhile knew she would have the problem of gravity to deal with if she joined them, and would rather not have to worry about any missed bullets or shells raining back down ontop of them, so she requested [color=Aqua]”Fly me closer please, so I shoot her with my guns”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”One moment, almost done”[/color] the mage who had been waving his wand around replied, before he finished the spell and summoned four of his toadies. The propeller hatted mini-hims grabbed Rika and hoisted her up so she didn’t have to hold on to the underside of his broom any more. [color=Aqua]”Oh, that works, well”[/color] she commented as the minions started to buzz forwards with her in their grasp. Along with Kamek, she swooped after the bomber plane, the mage unleashing spell blasts and fira spells, while the ship girl opened fire with her machine gun and rigging guns. Unfortunately these then proceeded to rapidly run dry, she’d fired rather a lot of shells and bullets between the city of tears and here after all, and this was hardly the time or palace to fiddle with ammo boxes to refill them. She tried to urge the toadies to catch up, but their flight speed wasn’t exactly comparable with a plane. [color=Aqua]”You’re going to have to toss me”[/color] she told Kamek far to casually for what she was requesting [color=DeepSkyBlue]”What?”[/color] Kamek asked, not sure if he’d heard that correctly. [color=Aqua]”Toss me. I can just float down to the crystal if you miss”[/color] she clarified [color=DeepSkyBlue]”I suppose … very well, here goes nothing!”[/color] Kamek decided, before having the toadies hurl the shipgirl towards the plane, and even joined in by conjuring a magic fist and using its unfurled hand to push her onward at the last moment. The shipgirl whooped as she sailed through the air, maneuvering thrusters flaring for extra speed and rune squeezed for extra height as she sailed through the air. Her grapple lashed out and caught the tail of the plane pulling her in as she blasted it with a few electrical goop shots from her grizzco blaster. Then her grapple snapped back into its launch tube, and she had mere moments to try and cling on, hull blades hacking, spear summoned and hooking over the wing, hand awkwardly trying to grab on. She got a brief purchase and began to try and chainsaw bayonet off one off the tail fins, only for the plane to yell “get! Off!” after which she proceeded to do a barrel roll which flung the ship girl off of it once more. Rika yelped in surprise as she went flying again, losing grip of her spear, which plummeted down below uncontrollably. Still, the feather light ship girl did not plummet down with it, and instead managed to right her fall with her thrusters. Just in time to see two massive white gloved fists homing in on her location. She launched herself into the air once more with her rune to avoid the fists, only for them to slowly turn to chase her, leaving her a slowly sinking duck, one out of range of the rapidly escaping plane. [color=Aqua]”Uh oh. Um. Um. oh!”[/color] The ship girl spotted her way out. She briefly canceled the rune as she summoned a striker, before kicking off the spirit’s body, launching herself forwards. Maneuvering thrusters fared at the same time, launching her forwards as she shouted [color=Aqua]”Ah, wait up please”[/color] at her new target. Said target, Sectonia, paused her own pursuit of the plane briefly to check on the sound, at which point the princess fired her hook forwards, latching onto them before calling out [color=Aqua]”Coming in”[/color] as she started to rush forwards. Angling herself, the ship girl swung under the queen’s abdomen as she was reeled in, boosting again at just the right moment to launch herself forwards (while giving a partying [color=Aqua]”Sorry! Thank you!”[/color]) even more so she could catch up to grappling range with the plane. Grapple flew out, latched on, but instead reeling in inorder to try to board she swung under it, firing her grizco blaster and splattering the plane with electrically charged ink from all sides. Then as she was on the upswing she triggered her feather fall rune, the rope still attached turning the upwards momentum into momentum back the way she had come, the princess launching herself over Sectonia’s head and into the awaiting arms of Kamek’s flock of toadies. [color=Aqua]”See, It all worked out”[/color] she told the mage, (who had been worried sick from the moment the ship girl had been tossed off the plane) before admitting [color=Aqua]”Though I am a little dizzy now”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Then let us perhaps hold off on doing it again?”[/color] Kamek suggested, before adding [color=DeepSkyBlue]”or next time you might lose more than just your spear”[/color] [color=Aqua]”No that’s fine, I can get it back, see”[/color] the princess replied, concentrating for a moment before her helbard like weapon teleported back into place hung over her back by its strap. Doing so seemed to take a lot out of her, energy wise, due to the distance involved from bringing it up from however deep the hole went, and so she was far easier to talk out of any more misadventures as a result. The mage suspected the others would be glad to have freer sight lines, and in the koopa royal’s case, he was entirely right, as the beams of light and sound they had paused in the firing of resumed now that there was no more high flying trapeze artistry going on.