[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f9bqQL2.png[/img][h1]Jennifer Caspin[/h1][/center][b]Interactions:[/b] Charlie ([@FernStone]) and Neko [@Atrophy] [right][b][code]The Webb Family Coffee House[/code][/b][/right][hr] Neko and Charlie were the two who inquired about the skull on the map. Jennifer anticipated that somebody would inquire about the skull instead of her suggestion. So the girl pushed her glasses up her nose and bluntly answered : “It’s death.” That was her answer though she figured that she should add more detail to it or else everyone would ask her a million questions. So she continued; “Look, uh, I talked to a lot of people in Quintin and out of- Quintin, yeah, Quintin. There’s something wrong with this place, it has to be cursed or haunted or something… I mean, there's a [i]reason[/i] people stay out of here...” She trailed off before she backtracked, “… Not that curses or magic or anything is real. But there’s something in the swamp that terrified all the locals. I don’t know what, and I don’t want to know. We should try to stay in town if necessary.” Then Jennifer finished. “… Uh, the only problem is that I may have put a lot of attention on us asking all these questions. A lot of people here don’t… take too kindly to strangers. Especially not strangers asking questions.”