Another one of the unconscious women awoke, asking Sayu whether she was dressed in a ridiculous outfit as well. Or rather, it was an affirmation that both of them were dressed in ridiculous outfits. "How can you be so calm?!" She scolded her, not out of anger but out of disbelief. "Clearly we've been kidnapped and forced into these stupid clothes! We have to run! Now!" Sayu had no idea how she got kidnapped from her classroom but it was the only explanation she had in her mind. When Aria tried to calm her down, she replied with, "It's the only explanation that makes sense, no?! I was sleeping in my class before I got here! Unless this is all just a dream, that is… but I tried to wake myself up before and it wasn't working!" [@Qia][@PiNKPANTHERESS]