[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230806/331e77e67c7492af8f1708e5078b960b.png[/img][/center][right]Route 29, Morning[/right][hr] Isaac's gaze remained cold and unwavering as the young trainers voiced their displeasure at his words. The angsty silent boy even going so far thump the bench he was sitting on, presumably out of frustration. Either that or some half-assed attempt at intimidation. It didn't matter. Looks like he was going to have to break this down into simpler terms. The champion's blue eyes turned towards the multicolor-haired girl, as she seemed to be the most fiery of the bunch. Cooling her down first would hopefully temper out the others. [color=FFD700]"Strength is almost entirely irrelevant when it comes to battle. There have been numerous cases where 'weaker' Pokémon have dominated the battlefield. Take Pelipper for example. Not exactly known for being very strong. But in double battles, Pelipper is an absolute menace, and is the core of several teams. Or what about Quagsire? Quagsire isn't very strong, and its defenses aren't great either, but it's still a major threat to many teams due to its ability to recover and ignore boosting moves from powerhouses like Scizor."[/color] Isaac then returned his attention to the group as a whole before continuing to speak, his hardened expression beginning to soften a bit. [color=FFD700]"The reason I say not to bother catching anything here, is because anything you can find here, you can find anywhere else. In fact, that's why the League decided we'd be starting here. This way, you can get used to travel without having to worry about missing out on anything. We can set our pace and discover if any of us have specific needs along the way, like if any you are horribly allergic to certain trees or Pokémon types."[/color] As Isaac continued to speak, occasionally raising a finger to add emphasis, the Blaziken beside him began to get noticeably antsy, as if growing impatient. It began to tap its foot to the ground and its fingers in its thigh. Isaac, taking notice of this, decided to try and wrap things up. [color=FFD700]"One last thing. I suppose it should go without saying, but just to make it clear, every time you catch a Pokémon, [i]you[/i] are the one responsible for it. You have to feed it, you have to buy medicine for it, you have to train it, you have to give it attention. If you bloat your team up with six Pokémon before you even get to the first gym, you're going to get overwhelmed very quickly, and spend more time taking care of them than anything else. Imagine trying to take care of six of these guys."[/color] Isaac jabbed a thumb in Kick's direction, who in response pointed to himself in a confused manner. [color=FFD700]"You'd be surprised just how much this guy can eat. Either way, it's better to try and get used to what you have now, and build up some experience with adventuring before going off catching things willy-nilly."[/color] Isaac then turned towards the Blaziken, facing away from the rest of the party, beckoning them forwards with his off hand as he began to move forwards. The Blaziken beside him motioning the group forwards with a much more enthusiastic cadence. [color=FFD700]"If you really want to catch something here, I won't stop you, my advice is just to wait until you're slightly more adept at this. Oh, and Danny-boy."[/color] Isaac turned his head to the side as he spoke to the young trainer. [color=FFD700]"If you don't like walking, I'd consider looking out for a Pokémon you can ride on. I hear the Onix in Union Cave don't mind being ridden on."[/color] He turned his head back in front of him as he continued forwards. [color=FFD700]"Let's get moving. The more time we spend arguing over semantics, the less daylight we have to work with."[/color] The beginning of Route 29 was relatively straightforward, and there was already a well-worn foot path that would take them directly to Cherrygrove City. Most of the Pokémon here were relatively docile, or otherwise quite skittish. The Hoppip overhead mostly just floated carefree wherever the breeze decided to carry them, and the Sentret in the tall grass would rather flee than fight. The Rattata were somewhat proactive, but knew better than to attack a human. The Pidgey in the surrounding forested area mostly kept to themselves, only leaving their trees to hunt for the occasional prey Pokémon. The only "obstacle" that the party faced was a slope somewhat later that would take them to the woods just before the route 46 checkpoint. With any luck, nobody should be in any real danger, unless someone felt like throwing themselves off of a ledge near the slope.[hr][right]Interacting with/Mentioning: All[/right]