Sayu's eyes flashed with anger as she listened to Aria and Da'Niyah's calm reasoning. "Don't tell me to stay calm!" she burst out, her voice sharp. "We've been kidnapped and dumped in the middle of nowhere, and you want me to be rational about it?" She clutched her red cloak tightly around herself, feeling suddenly self-conscious in the ridiculous outfit. Her heart was pounding as she looked around the unfamiliar forest surrounding them. "I just want to go home," Sayu said after a moment, her voice strained. "But I guess you're right - we should try to figure out what happened first." She stood up, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. Getting angry wouldn't help. They needed to work together to understand their situation. "Does anyone remember anything before waking up here?" she asked. "Did we know each other before this?" Sayu felt totally lost, but getting answers was the only way forward. She had to keep her head and try to solve this bizarre mystery, as much as she wanted to break down. Who had done this to them? And why?