[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia & [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi Hasegawa[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Sector 9- Through the Dragnet[/center] [center]Lvl 10 (192/100) -> Lvl 10 (194/100) [/center] [center]Lvl 4 (51/40) -> Lvl 4 (53/40) [/center] [center]Word Count: 876 words[/center] As Sandalphon alerted, and distracted, the guard, Zenkichi made his move on the unsuspecting Private Atkinson, grabbing one arm from behind as he turned to the source of the racket. He violently yanked it from the man's rifle as his foot crashed into the back of the soldier's knee, and wrenching it upwards with a sickening crack, before ripping the helmet from the soldier's head and grabbing it with both hands to slam it into his cranium, rendering him unconscious. [color=BFBFBF]"Huh. Ya know, I...feel bad about how easy that was..."[/color] he murmured, leaving the KO'd guard to join the others in the thick of the fight. Geralt had used the opportunity to shield himself with Quen, running out at a dead sprint to Gima Koch, who spun when he heard the heavy footfalls and unleashed a stream of plasma into his chest. Geralt didn't stop, even as Quen shattered, and rammed his shoulder into Koch's chest, sending him tumbling and fumbling for his sidearm as he recovered. The [url=https://imgur.com/IvyUCtV]Samurai Edge[/url] flashed as Geralt reached down, the slow bullet it fired crumpling against the steel plate that the Harbor Demon's Spirit had given him, and Geralt yanked it from Koch's hands, tossing the weapon aside carelessly, retreating clanking sounds betraying that it fell far away from all but a flier's reach. Geralt's victory was short-lived, as his prey refused to surrender, Galeem's curse still controlling him, and a face-full of dirt and seeds greeted the Witcher, vines rapidly growing from them and trying to bind his arms to his body courtesy of the soldier's Chlorokinesis. It wasn't more than enough to delay him, though, as Geralt's inhuman strength easily overpowered the plant growth, and a massive clawed hand grabbed Koch's face while Geralt straddled him, the other crushing his throat until the man's spasming attempts to free himself slowed, then finally faded. He held on a few seconds longer, to ensure the man was truly unconscious, then slowly released the chokehold as a burst of plasma flew overhead. Geralt stood, nodding at the non-lethal takedown, and cast the Sign of Quen to protect himself once more as he ran forward, towards the sister soldiers, who were trading potshots with Zenkichi, who was ducking between pillars and taunting them. [color=BFBFBF]"Come one! Can't even hit an old man, can you?! Oh, hey Geralt! Now there's two old men for them to miss!"[/color] Laughing, Zenkichi popped out, only to get a face full of angry bats scratching, clawing, and biting at his face as a burst of plasma hit him in the chest. "Idiot..." The Witcher mumbled as he charged forward again, the Phantom Thief shaking off the bats and trying to provide cover fire. As he approached the sisters, a mental hammer crashed into his skull, causing Geralt to reel and grip his head, pain overwhelming him momentarily. As soon as it came, however, the Confusion ended, with the butt of a rifle [i]cracking[/i] into Geralt's nose, followed by a point-blank stream of plasma fire that heated his armor and made it more than a little uncomfortable for a moment before the air rushed back in and cooled it off. Geralt lashed out with a punch, connecting and sending Miwa Marcias back as Zenkichi filled the air with bullets, also running up and calling on Valjean to protect Geralt with a Rakukaja. [color=BFBFBF]"I'd ask you to surrender, but I know that won't work."[/color] Zenkichi stated simply. [color=BFBFBF]"So I'm just gonna go with 'make this easy on us.'"[/color] "Halo, give us a hand!" Geralt gruffly called, swinging the lighting-wreathed katana he took off of Monsoon at Miwa, while Zenkichi rushed at Natsuko. Both sisters were tricky to get a hold of, each having more than their fair share of tricks up their sleeves. Natsuko ducked and weaved, tossing animal food on Zenkichi, marking him as a priority target for both the swarms of bats and Crysales, and more than once he caught his eyes drooping as he fought. Each moment of lapse cost him, as a burst of plasma knocked his sense back into him. Sandalphon took one such opportunity to snipe Natsuko as she paused to aim, sending the girl stumbling forward, Zenkichi pushing through the exhaustion to follow up with an upward swing of his greatsword, comboing into a sweeping horizontal slash. Geralt, meanwhile, was having a much similar problem, with Confusion giving Mia ample opportunity to fire a blast of plasma into his knee, sending him down to one and causing him to hiss at the pain. He rose nonetheless, lashing out with his new lightning katana as Sandalphon shot Natsuko, distracting Mia for a split second, more than enough for a Witcher to capitalize on. The lightning gave him enough time to punch her in follow-up, and she rolled with the hit, retreating closer to her sister and attempting to use her Confusion on Zenkichi, only for Geralt to use Axii to stun her in turn. [color=BFBFBF]"Thanks for the assist."[/color] Zenkichi nodded as Sandalphon appeared between the two men, staff in hand, to give out an area heal. [color=BFBFBF]Oh yeah, that's much better. Let's finish this!"[/color] He cheered as both swordsmen went back into the fray.