[img] https://see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/gxJD1/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjoxMDQsInciOjEwMDAsImZzIjoxMDQsImZnYyI6IiNENjc3MjgiLCJiZ2MiOiIjM0EzNzM3IiwidCI6MX0/R3JldGNoZW4gIErDpGdlcg/cclassic-personal-use.png[/img] Gretchen had been tasked with getting an important piece of data for Arasaka. She thought sounded like a simple job, infiltrate the Biotechnica building and fetch an important data chip. The location of the data chip was inside one of Biotechnica’s labs. And from what she was told it would the lab would be heavily guarded. So it would not be as easy as walking in and taking the data chip. But the company was paying good money so it must be important to the CEOs. Driving towards the location while listening to one of her favourite German opera called [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYyf7xH8w1Q]Der Freischütz[/url]. She parked her car a few streets away before getting out. She only brought her silenced pistol since she didn’t think she would need her sniper rifle. She also brought her mask which she uses to conceal her identity. She hid her pistol and mask away from any passersby because she didn’t want to raise any suspicions Walking down the street and towards the laboratory stopping beside a street lamp. Watching the guards patrolling the area and or talking to each other. She had cased the place beforehand along with studying the floor plans of the building. Slowly walking from the street lamp to the back of the laboratory. She knew from casing the place that the fence had an opening. For a well-off corporation, they did not know how to secure every spot of their laboratory. Sneaking through the hole and behind a stack of crates a few feet away. She put on her mask while pulling out her silenced pistol. Gretchen watched as some guards walked past her armed with assault rifles. Moving in the shadows from crate to crate and noticed a large metal door where shipments would be delivered. Gretchen also noticed that it was opened slightly. This was a stroke of good luck for her since she could just crawl underneath it. After some close calls with the guards, she was finally able to get inside the lab. From what she had read about the laboratory the data chip would be in the laboratory fifty-seven. The location of the laboratory was located on the third-floor basement. The elevator was in the middle of the building between a few laboratories. Hiding on top of the elevator watching some employees get on and off the elevator. She got off the elevator when it got to the third-floor basement. So far she had done a good job going unnoticed, but she would still have to be careful.