[@Sanguine Rose] Dilapidated farm houses can still be saved for later, she had a bloody job to do. With the aid of Sage they followed the traces of oil for around ten minutes. There was something incorrect that she assumed. Back at the apricorn farm, the man suggested that they would most likely be taking shelter in one of the old farm buildings. The smell of oil would start to become noticeable to Faye and then the sound of metal smacking metal. Eventually, she would reach another old farm house with ground floor windows. Whatever was there, they had not noticed that she arrived outside of their hideout. While she could run in head first, she did not have any information on what Pokemon she was actually dealing with or even how many of them there were. After all, she wasn't like Tristan who headed towards danger because he did not use his head out of some worthless sense of pride. What does she do? [hr] [@Zarkun] With only nervous bravery, Jason walked up the stone stairs to the entrance with his team and led them through the entrance. What they found was a corridor made from the same stone as the exterior that descended down to lord knows where, their footsteps echoed as they walked. The corridor was lit with the green whisps of flame floating aimlessly as he continued his descent. At some point the corridor turned into flight of stairs once it became too steep. He had to watch his head though for the occasional tree root hanging from above as he walked though it was uneventful. Eventually after spending quite some time descending through the temple he found something that he had not seen something in quite some time, sunlight. [hider=Welcome to...] [center][h1]Shrine of Immolation [/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2d/7c/76/2d7c765d280f88965cfbf447845b3807.jpg[/img] [/center] To anyone's surprise, they would see natural light deep within this shrine followed by the deep, lush plant life that decorated the entirety of the interior, some hanging from fixtures above or on other bits of architecture. Water flowed through a channel between the stone tiled floor with streams of water coming down the walls like little waterfalls, feeding the plants. Along the wall was a mural, a mural of flame and destruction of a forest while the sky above it cracked or had tears. Jason would remember that the beginnings of Starbor were born from fire, the destruction of the old forest before it was remade into what it is today. Green whisps of flame hovered in the air and yet, they were not burning anything. They were numerous with the highest concentration than the path to the shrine or even the corridor leading up to it. It was odd though; it was far too pristine for an ancient temple. While the exterior had seen the wear and tear of the centuries that it existed, the interior while overrun with overgrown foliage did not show its age. It defied the course of time. One could feel it in the air, the power that suspended time itself within these hallowed walls. It was unnatural and yet, it could not be said to be either good or evil. It just existed and one could only imagine the power needed to halt one of the fundamental aspects of reality. Surrounded by a small stream of water, there was an alter. The tiled stone had the same markings as he had seen before and the alter was made from the same thing. There was something on the alter, a small metal tube. It looked like it was a piece of a flute. [/hider] [hr] [@samreaper] Dr. Burgundy turned his attention to the silver haired boy and said with a joking grin, [color=E66332]"Well, if I were you I would suggest buying a lottery ticket."[/color] There were some chuckled from the tour group though not at Tristan's expense. The scientist, still with the affable grin continued, [color=E66332]"But no, the garden does not increase the amount of shiny variations of Pokemon. That was just pure luck, but that's great for you. Many collectors would be envious just to have one."[/color] Sometimes there was no deeper meaning in things that happens. Somethings they happened just because and finding meaning where there isn't anything is a pointless endeavor. [color=E66332]"To answer your other question, we can only assume that there is a way because Aria has been on record to come and go freely from the Illusive Woods, a place famous for making people disappear. However, we also have other records from hundreds of years ago though they are quite fantastical in nature. Old texts mainly spoke through poetic drivel, such as and I paraphrase mind you, 'the Illusive Woods will not bring thy fall to thine who wear gratitude to all' or 'the mist will break when the sibling beasts awake,'"[/color] the scientist explained with obvious skepticism. Most stories that came from that time period would typically be considered unreliable mainly because the text was vague and sometimes plainly false. However, perhaps there is something to be gleamed even from the vagueness. Dr. Burgundy continued, [color=E66332]"Other than that, Aria's journals did not say much in how to get in. What we do know is from her records is that it's home to many fairy-type Pokemon. If we're going to be honest and this is my own personal opinion, she was trying to keep us out. As for why I can't say for certain."[/color] What does Tristan do?