[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f9bqQL2.png[/img][h1]Jennifer Caspin[/h1][/center][b]Interactions:[/b]Zeltzin ([@Bartimaeus]), Ophrenia ([@silvermist1116]), Eugene ([@Drag]), & Jordan/Olivia ([@NoriWasHere]).[right][b][code]The Webb Family Coffee House[/code][/b][/right][hr] [quote=Spooky Ho 1]"If we can get a meeting with her, I'll go with...Ziltzen, you said your name was?"[/quote] [quote=Spooky Ho 2][color=9d362f]"Assumin' we ain't bringin' 'Mary-Louise' our whole [i]circo[/i], I can go. I'm good at questions."[/color][/quote] "How about you two just go together?" Jennifer suggested. "Now, um, I don't want people splitting up... but, how about you two go there pretending to work for some business that isn't in Quintin, and offer some type of... uhhhhhh, business deal, yeah? Then drop the question asking for Eleanor Black." It was a tad overwhelming. So many people were speaking to her, asking her questions... it wasn't something that she wasn't used to and she could feel anxiety well up. She swallowed it to the best of her ability and addressed everyone one at a time. [quote=Olitia][color=f49ac2]“What did they say about that area? What makes it cursed? And by ‘this place’ do you mean this place,”[/color] she paused as she pointed to the skull marker, [color=f49ac2]“or this place,” she paused as she pointed to the whole of the city.[/color][/quote] Jennifer shrugged. "... I don't know... some, uh, people say that the swamp is haunted while others say that the entirety of Quintin is haunted... but I don't know what exactly is out there... and do you really want to find out?" She finished the sentence with an awkward laugh. [quote=Eu-FUCKING-Gene Watson][colour=peru]” Jen, what’re some of the places circled here? If upsettin’ the local population’s an issue, might be worth spreadin’ ourselves a lil thinner. Cover more ground without attractin’ as much attention. [i]hm[/i] In theory anyway.”[/colour][/quote][quote=Jordan Fucks]“I am inclined to agree. We have a big group and a lot of ground to cover, so it only makes sense that we split up and knock out as many of these points as possible.”[/quote] "Well..." Jen trailed off as she looked at the map. Thankfully, the group had the [i]wise[/i] idea not to go spelunking in the haunted swamp, so that was a win. However, there were a lot of different leads that Jennifer had found during her initial arrival to Quintin: some that were probably going to lead somewhere, and others that were simply a waste of her time. However, the idea of covering more ground was... not one that Jennifer liked. There were some things out here that were... strange and dangerous. It was best, if one of those strange things came their way, if Jennifer was there to handle it because far as she could tell she was the only one capable of handling it. Yet Jennifer knew that the odds of controlling the group were slim-to-none so it was probably ideal to simply let them go about and hope they don't go too crazy. There are contingencies in place in case they do. "There[i] are[/i] other leads in case you all... You all want to tackle them... I, uh, have a couple." Jennifer's finger went to the map and pointed towards one of the circles on the border of the town, "For starters, if you don't want to... uh, talk to Mary-Louise, there's uhhhh a man named Blake Thornton. A veeeeeeeery longtime butler for the Black Family who got fired a few days ago... for some reason. If anyone would talk, it'd [i]definitely[/i] be him because he's prooooooobably still pissed off. If he doesn't know about Eleanor, maybe he'd know something helpful about the Black Family." Her finger drifted to another circle that was more in town and surrounded an L-shaped building, and then Jen explained, "So, um... [i]howdoIsaythis[/i]... we aren't the... uh... [i]first[/i] people to come here looking for Eleanor Black. There was a group of five girls that went missing last night... I didn't get a chance to speak to them, but they were staying in a place known as the [i]Moss Motel.[/i] It's nothing more than a-a short walk from here. They all stayed in room 105... just keep your eyes peeled when you go there." Then the finger drifted to [i]another[/i] circle, one that surrounded a smaller building, "There's also the new doctor in town... a native of this goddamn place that left and came back after passing her bar exam - Doctor Harkness - but, uh, I heard that the last group of girls talked to her before they all went missing sooooo I would be [i]very[/i] careful around her. Don't trust her." Jennifer's hand retracted and went back to her lap as she said, "Now if some of you have trouble with Mary-Louise, there's [i]also[/i] her grandchildren: Genesis and Cody Black, they, uh, [i]might[/i] be a bit looser lipped than Mary-Louise, but... have I mentioned Mary-Louise [i]loves[/i] her both children and grandchildren? Don't do anything drastic to them.... please, we don't need the attention. Usually, they're at the Quintin market, bullying people into giving them free stuff, but if they're not there... they're exploring the swamp for [i]some reason[/i]. I don't know who would go out there." With that, Jennifer pushed her glasses up her nose and leaned backward, placing both of her hands in her lap as she gave the group a warning. "Now, again, pay attention to your surroundings... if something doesn't feel right, just leave the area and we're all going to meet at the King's Summit Motel that's down the street from here at seven, okay? Make sure to stay out of the swamp and to stay away from the Black Family Manor on top of the hill." She looked at the group as she glanced from left to right. "I'm going to be following up on more leads... uh, I would [i]prefer[/i] it if I worked alone, just this once. Trust me, it'd be easier for all of us. But, if... something goes wrong, call me, and I'll be right there." She sighed as she said, "... Stay safe."