I'm mostly waiting on people to express interest, so yes, I am still interested in doing this. I have considered allowing one defector character at the very least, so that should be fine if you want to fill that role. But pretty much the entire team will be experienced given the demanding training Z-Com puts everyone through. Like it'll be a mix of actual military vets/active service personnel and civilians who went through the aforementioned training ideally. Now some still might be green when it comes to combating zombies specifically, especially since I plan to have them evolve new symptoms over time and thus new defenses or abilities (etc.), but you've got enough training not to fall into a panic spiral or freeze in a combat scenario. Plus you have done a handful of missions before that involve thinning the hordes more or less, when it comes to Z-Com anyway. I only mention that as the experience they're looking for in this regard likely has more to do with DarkWater's tactics, movements, plans, and so on rather than military or tactical experience in general.