[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1089216474998128771/1144433336824123553/TrixyBanner.png[/img] [color=tomato]"One yes after a thousand nos is still a yes!”[/color] [color=888888]— Suki Oyama[/color][/center] Suki and Rei’s interaction was interrupted by the arrival of Willow. She somehow managed to jump and play on the narrow top of the lamp post. A striking display of dexterity, but even more so when you considered Rei was squatting on top of it. Though maybe it wasn’t all that strange. Willow’s magical girl name was based on a wandering light seen by travelers. She was also a cat girl, and they were allowed to break the rules. What did surprise Suki was that Willow felt the need to answer for their supreme overlord. Surely the great Schrade didn’t need someone to speak on her behalf. This was someone who was so badass they chose to go out untransformed and squat on top of lamp posts. [color=tomato]"Uh…”[/color] Suki had only brushed Rei’s legs for a moment. It would be dishonest to claim she didn’t get something out of caressing those supple torso holders of hers, but she hadn’t done anything [i]that[/i] explicit yet. People made out in public spaces all the time, and Suki knew she wasn’t going to convince Rei to take that jacket off. Suki wasn’t always stupid. [color=tomato]"Um…”[/color] And then Willow just laughed, declared she was kidding, maybe, before cuddling up to Rei. Suki was not oblivious to Willow’s duplicitous nature, but it was difficult to gauge what the girl really wanted. If you never told the truth, no one can know what you want. But Suki was both [i]sane[/i] and an [i]astute[/i] observer of people. They spoke with their words, but also their bodies and actions. Just because Willow spoke with deceptive words didn’t mean she was fluent in lying in her other two languages. It was as clear as day that Willow was intimidated by Suki’s strong mojo. Willow just wanted to put the moves on a cutie, and she viewed Suki as a threat to her plans. Easy enough to fix. While Willow snuggled up to her teammate, Suki’s torso moved just a bit more over to the right. Now she was hovering in front of Willow. Meanwhile, one of her tendrils had released the lamp post and reached around Willow’s back. [color=tomato]"You can’t call me a tart until you’ve tasted me first!”[/color] And then the tendril gave her a firm shove. The girl would never see it coming. And even if she did, Suki’s body lunged forward to catch her. There was no hope for escape. Right? It was one thing to just get touched by Suki, but to be held in her embrace was nearly [i]euphoric[/i]. Suki had a hand on Willow’s lower back and shoulder blades, and both arms were holding her tight. Their silhouettes became one, their curves pressed flat like pancakes. The breach between their lips closed. After sampling Willow, Suki pulled back her head with a gasp. [color=tomato]"Oh man!”[/color] Her entire body trembled. [color=tomato]"You’re the cat’s meow! A symphony to the senses! Bastet given flesh!”[/color] Willow probably didn’t feel all that drained by a single kiss. Suki had to get pretty trigger happy for her lips to become a deadly weapon. Though it likely accelerated the curse that was coursing through Willow’s body. [color=tomato]"What kind of tart am I? Sour apples? Raspberries?”[/color] Suki noticed a shape in the sky and looked up. It was one of Kiyo’s eye monsters hovering overhead. Then her gaze dropped back down to Rei, who of course had seen the whole thing unfold. But the fact that Suki had an audience didn’t bother her. She gave her boss the friendliest smile she could manage.