[@samreaper] [color=E66332]"We have tried to see what would happen, but it's just the preserved remains of her Pokemon. They are not the key to the forest. It's a shame, I would've loved to see the mysterious Moon Petal Pokemon, but perhaps it's just not meant to be,"[/color] he said wistfully. He would lead the tour through the rest of the tour, but to Tristan it would've been uneventful as nothing could have been more interesting than what he had heard before. Eventually, the tour group was brought back to the lobby. The tour guide that original led them through the building originally had brought them back. "I hope you all enjoyed our tour! If you'd like, please enjoy lunch at our restaurant or bring your patronage to our giftshop! Thank you and have a nice day!" With that, Tristan was soon left alone. The portrait of Aira Eberg stared at him from across the room. What does he do? [hr] [@Zarkun] Touching the piece of metal he could feel his place in reality slip. He was no longer in the temple, at least that's what it looked like. Jason was standing in the middle of a burning forest, flames roared uncontrollably as smoke billowed up with a violent intensity and yet he could not feel the heat. His lungs were filled with clean, humid air. He watched as an outside observer both man and Pokemon run for their lives, fleeing from the forest. A tree gave out from the flames and collapsed with a great crack and then a resounding boom as it smashed against the ground, crackling with embers. It had fallen on someone who in their panic was too distracted or maybe too slow to avoid it. A hand peaked out from beneath the burning trunk. "Don't stop running! We have to get out here!" A man yelled out as he literally ran through Jason. "What is even happening?! What is that?!" A woman pointed up at the night sky and in it was a sight that Jason had never seen before, in fact, it was almost impossible to describe. It was like looking an aurora shattered like glass and yet, it looked like a hole where somehow it had lines that look ripped out of a geometry notebook's paper. For a brief moment. Jason could see something emerge from the anomaly in the sky. Before he could see what came out green flames erupted from the flute piece that knocked him onto his back, suffering from minor stinging burns and maybe some slight bruising. After recovering, Jason would see that the flute hovered in place though the green whisps came pouring in from the shrine, from the corridor, and maybe even the outside and focused around it. The whisps molded and twisted, giving itself shape. It was something strange, something that he had never seen before; it was humanoid and somehow clown-like, but at the same time it was alien. However, it wasn't real; it was only made of flame. [hider=The Shape of the Creature] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Jz5JW8M.png[/img] [color=6ecff6][i]Unknown specimen. Caution is advised.[/i][/color] [/center] [/hider] It looked at Jason, well, at least he thought it did, and stood there as the only thing between him and his prize. [color=6ecff6][i][center]Echo of Immolation challenges you to battle![/center][/i][/color] What does Jason do?