[center][color=EE82EE][h1]Faye Wrexlyn[/h1][/color] [hider=Inventory] Pokédollars: 1,800 Egg in Egg Case 1x Potion 10 Pokéballs Dawn Stone Camping backpack with a cold weather sleeping bag with a sleeping pad added to it, waterproof canvas tarp, 50 ft of rope, mess kit, extra clothes, a week of food (granola, jerky, a few canned soup, basic pokemon food for a few common types, etc), water purification kit and canteen, compass and maps of the region, magnesium fire starter, multi-tool knife, and a camping saw. [/hider] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=On-hand] [hider=Sage][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/eff1d438-78da-49ea-9491-bc93a470ef66.png[/img][h3]♂[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Eevee [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Normal [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 6 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Tackle, Tail Whip, Growl, Sand-Attack [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Adaptability - Increases STAB from 1.5x to 2x [u][b]Held Item:[/b][/u] [/hider] [hider=Tilia][img]https://i.imgur.com/dOaqd7S.png?1[/img][h3]♀[/h3] [b][u]Species:[/u][/b] Rowlet [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Grass/Flying [u][b]Level:[/b][/u] 5 [u][b]Status:[/b][/u] [u][b]Moves:[/b][/u] Tackle, Growl, Leafage [u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Overgrow - Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low. [u][b]Held Item:[/b][/u] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=PC] [/hider][/hider] [/center] Sage didn't make much noise following the scent, but he started walking even more carefully when he heard the sound of metal being banged. Eventually his purple haired trainer heard the noise too and slowed to a more careful walking pace with her focus entirely on where the sound was coming from. There wasn't any way to get distracted from something literally drawing your attention with a racket. And there was no way in this or any other world Faye was going to just rush on in there. She may not have known what pokemon it was, but she knew what kind it was. It was the kind that could - even if it took a dozen of them - remove and carry a vehicle engine well away from the spot they stole it. It was the kind of pokemon that could apparently work metal. That was the kind of pokemon she wasn't going to ambush without knowing how big or how many or any thing like that. Sage stopped away from the house, watching the front door. Faye made her way around to a side window, hoping to find one she could see the pokemon inside without having to creep up on the porch. If she needed to go up on the porch to see in a window where the pokemon worked, she'd do so carefully testing the boards with each step ensure she didn't pick a board that would creak and alert the engine stealers to an intruder, or - worse - snap under her weight and cause her to get hurt. Step one: find out what pokemon she was going to be dealing with, and if the engine was still intact. Step two: carefully get their attention and try to negotiate. Step three: recover the engine by any means. So, onto step one. She peeked in a window with her pokedex at the ready to help identify the pokemon.