[center][h1][color=#ffd700][b]Tristan Glory[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img] https://i.postimg.cc/4dqkP1Rw/Trist1.png[/img] [/center] [center][hider=Inventory][h3][u][b]Inventory[/b][/u][/h3] Pokedollars- $4,600 Pokeballs-20 Premiere ball-0 potions-1 Repel- 1 Camping gear Old and tattered pokemon textbook (gifted by nurse Joy) Moomoo Milk-6 Allergy Medicine Emergency care kit(one multi-bristled brush, comb, tweezers, clippers, skin cream, compact mirror) Special Gear: Mystery Files (quest item) Ice stone- 1 [/hider][/center] [center][hider=On-Hand][u][b][/b][/u] [hider=King][b]King[/b] [img]https://projectpokemon.org/images/shiny-sprite/murkrow-f.gif [/img] species-Darkness Pokemon Type-Flying/Dark level-12 Ability- Super luck (The chance of a bearer's move being a critical hit is increased by 1 stage.) Moveset- ->Peck -> Astonish -> Pursuit -> Feather dance -> Haze -> [/hider] [hider=Princess] [b]Princess[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/26/Spr_5b_447.png [/img] Species- Emanation Pokemon Gender- Female Type- Fighting Level- 9 Ability- Prankster (gives priority to status moves) Moveset: -> Quick attack -> Endure -> Feint -> Metal Claw -> -> [/hider] [hider=Ace] [b]Ace[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/f/fa/Spr_5b_255_m.png [/img] Species- Chick Pokemon Gender- Male Type- Fire Level- 11 Ability- Speed Boost ( Boosts speed stat one stage at the end of every turn) Moveset: -> Scratch -> Growl -> Ember -> Quick Attack -> Flame Charge -> [/hider] [hider=Angel] Angel [img] https://www.serebii.net/Shiny/SWSH/829.png [/img] Species-Flowering POkemon Gender- Female Type- Grass Level- 9 Ability- Regenerator (The pokemon has a little of its hp restored when withdrawn from battle) Moveset: -> Leafage -> Sing -> Sweet Scent -> Rapid Spin -> -> [/hider] [hider=Sewaddle] [b]Sewaddle[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/31/Spr_5b_540.png [/img] Species-Sewing pokemon Gender- Male Type- Bug/Grass Level- 8 Ability- Chlorophyll During harsh sunlight, the Speed stat of Pokémon with this Ability is doubled. Moveset: -> Tackle -> String shot -> Bug Bite -> -> -> [/hider] [hider=Combee] [b]Combee[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/0/03/Spr_4d_415_m_s.png [/img] Species- Tiny Bee pokemon Gender- Male Type- Bug/Flying Level- 9 Ability- Hustle Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat but lowers its accuracy. Moveset: -> Sweet Scent -> Gust -> Struggle bug -> Bug Bite -> -> [/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=PC][u][b][/b][/u] [/hider][/center] [hr] The answer the doctor gave proved him to be wrong, but only on the object which now that he thought about it was not, only too obvious. It also looked to be too big and likely heavy which for Lady Aria would be far too inconvenient. And Burgundy merely stated that said object wasn't it. The possibility of some special key or so was still very much real. Coming to the research center proved more fruitful than the teen expected, who previously merely had a passing curiosity about entering the forest now found himself intrigued. Especially more so if this Moon Petal Pokemon really has some connect to Aria. And considering that the only way into said forest was through said item, then better to pursue and get their hands on it now. Recalling it now, Faye mentioned needing to look something up in passing.* [color=39b54a]Hmph, where is that frump gallivanting around anyway?[/color]* Tristan pondered, annoyed. Why was the rich, spoiled teen doing detective work? A question with no real answer and at this point it didn't matter. Tristan was already where he needed to be and had most of the info needed now, so might as well make use of it. Figuring the tour had nothing else for him from this point on, he chose to lag behind. His initial opinion of Dr. Burgundy now uncertain. As while he disliked the grumpy asshole, Kapoc..the man was at least honest. At least that's what he felt. Doesn't change his dislike of the horrid man and that wicked dragon beast of his. Now left alone and no Tristan had no intention of wandering off and causing trouble. Instead, he chose to inspect the museum artefact involving Aria, starting naturally with her portrait. If the woman indeed had such an item, then items concerning her could hold a clue.