Izzy stood among the new guests, a sense of wonderment washing over her as she took in the breathtaking surroundings. The azure sky, the leaping dolphins, and the perfectly smooth water – it was like a dream come true. Her excitement was palpable, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with anticipation. The boat's gentle movement beneath her feet seemed to echo the rhythm of her heart, both in sync with the anticipation of what awaited on the island. As Darren Delloro's welcoming voice echoed from the dock, Izzy's attention turned to him, her curiosity piqued. The owner's reputation had preceded him, and she was eager to see how the reality matched the legend. Darren's words were warm and inviting, painting a picture of hospitality and luxury that aligned perfectly with her expectations. When Endolin Marx stepped forward, asking about rooms and the possibility of a library, Izzy's curiosity deepened. She admired Endolin's directness and the way they asserted themselves, even in the presence of someone as prominent as Darren. As Endolin's words triggered a visible response from the nearby plants, Izzy couldn't help but smile at the display of magic. It was as if the island itself responded to emotions, adding a layer of enchantment to the moment. As Darren addressed Endolin's questions, describing the personalized rooms and the potential for them to be customized to each guest's desires, Izzy felt a renewed sense of awe. The idea of a room tailored to one's preferences resonated deeply with her – a place of comfort and familiarity even in a new setting. The mention of constructing a library also sparked a glint of excitement in her eyes. Izzy imagined a serene haven filled with books and cozy reading nooks, a place where she could immerse herself in stories and let her imagination run wild. As Darren turned his attention to the rest of the guests, inviting them to introduce themselves and share their questions, Izzy took a step forward. Her extroverted nature couldn't be contained any longer. With a warm smile and genuine enthusiasm, she introduced herself, "Hey there! I'm Isabella, but you can call me Izzy. This place is absolutely amazing! I'm just wondering, do you offer any group activities or workshops? I'd love to experience everything the Seaside Shanties Getaway has to offer!"