Zoey shivered when she felt Baron's hand. Not because a demon resided in it, but because his touch put more cracks in her façade. She brushed off the hand, “Don't tell me you think it's real.” Zoey purposely avoided the question as well as Baron's eyes, “That light was probably just some-” Zoey's sentence was cut off by a sudden gasp. In front of them; a corpse lied by the roadside. “Is that a priest?” Zoey muttered underneath her breath, pointing Baron in it's direction while staring daggers into the body. “What has happened here?” She asked. Zoey never had seen many wounds, so was unable to discern them, but perhaps Baron would... Before they could get a closer look at the body, though, a stranger spoke to them. He warned them to turn back, but what Zoey wondered was why he was lingering around the corpse so casually. “You didn't kill him, did you?” She blurted out more bluntly than she intended. Although he did seem concerned, the stranger was at an awfully bad place at an awfully bad time. Those cat-ears didn't help either and [i]what[/i] was he wearing. Whatever he was, Zoey hadn't seen anything like his kind outside of tablets and scriptures... And those had little good to tell about them. It wasn't long until yet another person mingled in. Events had took a turn for the crazy and Zoey wasn't sure if that was a curse or blessing in disguise. “I don't think the desians have [i]celestials[/i] hidden in their ranks.” Zoey remarked, stepping forward more bravely than she actually felt. The entire situation was fishy; the red-haired woman that had appeared in front of them was carrying two swords and she hadn't even noticed any kind of weapon on the guy with the wetsuit and cat ears. Zoey did her best not to look or sound scared, but every passing second she wondered more what business she even had standing there. “I have no idea what is going on.” Zoey admitted, “But I'd really like to know what changed since, like, yesterday.”