Luna felt bad as she watched Sucaria's ears droop as such... but she would do nothing but worry about the maid whilst they were fighting the dragon. The knightess would feel infinitely better with her remaining in town, safe with giant friends. When she returned, she would have to apologize and give her something nice to eat. Regardless, they got on the move. First to the bandit camp to warm up. When Cecil asked how they wanted to do this, Luna thought on it some. "If we can rid ourselves of the men in watchtowers, it would be easy enough to simply storm the camp with those numbers." Looking over the camp again, she turned to her companions. Both Fio and Cecil had range options, as did she really. "Fio, Cecil, do either of you think you could remove the watchmen with precision?" Luna asked looking toward Elnith. "Or we could just go without regard for the watchtowers. I don't think ten or so bandits is really scary."