[quote=Excerpt from Operator Jericho's ramblings][i]"Hey, so have you heard of 'Pasta Pioneer' movies? They're movies based in the Pioneer Era of Columbia's history when they sent pioneers out into the untamed wasteland to claim large swaths of territory, establishing the foothold for modern Columbia. But unlike normal pioneer movies, Pasta Pioneer movies are made by Siracusans, adding their own take to the genre. One criticism of classic pioneer movies is that they're too 'campy' and 'overly optimistic', even though the reality of being a pioneer was often harsh and lawless. The Siracusans, who have their own history of lawlessness, made the genre more 'dark' and 'gritty', but significantly more engaging and interesting. Add to that the Siracusan's own unique cinematography techniques and moving orchestral pieces and you get quite a few amazing, genre-redefining movies. You should check them out when you have the chance. I've got a few recommendations..."[/i][/quote]