[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230221/cb6484a02614df90a439df4f3d7154be.png[/img] [color=#FFFFFF]_[/color][color=#FCFBFB]_[/color][color=#F9F8F8]_[/color][color=#F6F5F5]_[/color][color=#F3F2F2]_[/color][color=#F0EFEF]_[/color][color=#EDECEC]_[/color][color=#EAE9E9]_[/color][color=#E7E6E6]_[/color][color=#E4E3E3]_[/color][color=#E1E0E0]_[/color][color=#DEDDDD]_[/color][color=#DBDADA]_[/color][color=#D8D7D7]_[/color][color=#D5D4D4]_[/color][color=#D2D1D1]_[/color][color=#CFCECE]_[/color][color=#CCCBCB]_[/color][color=#C9C8C8]_[/color][color=#C6C5C5]_[/color][color=#C3C2C2]_[/color][color=#C0BFBF]_[/color][color=#BDBCBC]_[/color][color=#BAB9B9]_[/color][color=#B7B6B6]_[/color][color=#B4B3B3]_[/color][color=#B1B0B0]_[/color][color=#AEADAD]_[/color][color=#ABAAAA]_[/color][color=#A8A7A7]_[/color][color=#A5A4A4]_[/color][color=#A2A1A1]_[/color][color=#9F9E9E]_[/color][color=#9C9B9B]_[/color][color=#999898]_[/color][color=#969595]_[/color][color=#939292]_[/color][color=#908F8F]_[/color][color=#8D8C8C]_[/color][color=#8A8989]_[/color][color=#878686]_[/color][color=#848383]_[/color][color=#818080]_[/color][color=#7E7D7D]_[/color][color=#7B7A7A]_[/color][color=#787777]_[/color][color=#757474]_[/color][color=#727171]_[/color][color=#6F6E6E]_[/color][color=#6C6B6B]_[/color][color=#696868]_[/color][color=#666565]_[/color][color=#636262]_[/color][color=#605F5F]_[/color][color=#5D5C5C]_[/color][color=#5A5959]_[/color][color=#575656]_[/color][color=#545353]_[/color][color=#515050]_[/color][color=#4E4D4D]_[/color][color=#4B4A4A]_[/color][color=#484747]_[/color][color=#454444]_[/color][color=#424141]_[/color][color=#3F3E3E]_[/color][color=#3C3B3B]_[/color][color=#393838]_[/color][color=#363535]_[/color][color=#333232]_[/color][color=#302F2F]_[/color] While he hovered over Bansen, Masato was slowly started to become overwhelmed. Hoshino was in his ear, his voice ragged from shouting and crying. His panic was not helping him explain how he healed people, and because Masato couldn't understand his own frustration was growing. He was about to grab the other boy and shake him to calm down when Stewart came over and knelt beside them. Then threads snaked their way out of Hoshino's skin, thin pink things that stretched over to them. Masato held his breath, unsure what the hell was happening - until they connected. Suddenly Masato was very aware of a lot of things. He understood Hoshino's warbling because he was feeling what caused it; fear so intense that it spread icy cold tendrils through his heart. He was absolutely dreading the possibility that he could lose someone he loved. Masato practically reeled form the emotions coming through the cable connecting them, making it harder to process the other information filtering over. Information about Hosino Asahi, before and after the crash. A vague memory from the pink haired boy's primary school days, and how he calculated his way through every conversation. How that social manipulation informed the power he displayed now, the [i]facsimile.[/i] Masato jerked his hand away from the threads even as they began to dissolve. He didn't want to pry into Asahi's life, and he definitely didn't want Asahi to pry into [i]his[/i]. But now, at least, he understood his classmate's desperation. And his abilities. Masato took a deep, shaky breath after the strange experience. He glanced at Asahi when he urged the other two to think of something. It was good that he'd calmed down enough to start getting back to his usual self, but now Stewart seemed to be panicking more in his stead. While the basketball star spoke all his thoughts aloud, Masato fought off a headache on top of the vice around his heart. He willed something like Asahi's Cable to manifest itself from his own hands a few times, but nothing appeared. Dismayed, he looked between his fingers and Sasuke's face. He wished he had this information hours ago, then he could have... helped more. It was something he thought about from time to time, on the days where he stayed away from home and wandered the night around Kuroshio either with a book in hand or just sitting in silence, alone or rarely with Ichibangase. "If only I could go back and make a different decisions. If only I'd done this differently." He always tried to banish those thoughts when they wormed their way into his head because they did no good. It was impossible to return to a prior point in time. His life was like a really shitty novel, and no matter how many times you reread a book the story, and the ending, didn't change. [i]Unless.[/i] This was the Otherside, where his classmates were developing literal fucking magic powers. He, too, had that potential. So maybe it was possible to rewrite the events of this story after all? If he could grasp at that fire in his chest and shape it... but could he, given the circumstances? With his own thoughts a mess and two panicking boys on either side of him, his head was pounding. [color=B1E4FC]"Do you have to talk so fucking much while you think?"[/color] he said to Stewart, cutting a glance at him. There was a hint of exasperation showing in Masato's tone even through the worry. He could hardly think himself over the other boy's rambling. He probably used up the last of whatever good will Stewart had for him with that comment, but it had to be said. [color=B1E4FC]"Just- stop! Stop freaking out, we can... we can figure this out."[/color] The words were for himself as much as they were for Stewart and Asahi. If they thought about everything and worked [i]together[/i], they could probably do it. They could save Sasuke and Endo. Masato wasn't one for working together, preferring to take care of everything himself, but he could at least pretend. He'd borrow some of Asahi's talent at that and draw on his position as council president, focus on rewinding this awful situation... Masato held his hands out again, willing something to happen. And then the boy next to him, the foreigner, the troublemaker, burst open and spilled his insides all over the place again. [i]What the fuck[/i] indeed. 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