[center][h3][color=aqua]Bardulf[/color][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LqjmDBo.png[/img] [color=aqua] [b]Time:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Morning[/color] [b]Location:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Southwest of Roshmi City[/color] [b]Interaction:[/b] [color=cornflowerblue]Brigitte [@Tae], Mister Luum [@FunnyGuy], Rue [@Potter], Bowyn [@Helo], and Zeva [@Pink Khione][/color] [hider=Equipment]220 amas, Heirloom Halberd, cloak, set of leather armor/clothes[/hider] [/color] [/center] [hr] [center] Much was discussed while they lay on the outskirts of town. Mister Luum in his usual archaic ways seemed to always have a contradiction to whatever the group had desired. Or perhaps it was them deviating from Mister Luum himself - it would likely be what the man would say as a counter to any sort of protest they had. For the time being, Bardulf shelved any desire to resist being split off just yet. He had to think this over...this wasn't his home after all and perhaps the elf had some form of extra knowledge that the others didn't. From what he gathered he was more familiar with this place than perhaps all of them, save maybe the new light elf woman who joined them. Her actions seemed innocent enough. Bardulf had been around malevolent people before and Zeva, while capable of great violence, did not exude such traits. But he didn't blame Bowyn for holding suspicions. Territorial animals always protect their pack and home, whether the intentions of the supposed "invader" may be good or not. You stumble into the den of a mother deer or elk watching over its young, you'll find your innards painted on the forest floor before long. As his internal monologue rattled on, there was a discovery of a tiny adorable thief in the midst of their group. Bardulf gave a faint smile at the appearance of Bowyn's critter friend, whose innocence seemed to lighten the mood a little. He had no additional words to add to what everyone had said, so for now he joined everyone at the suggested bakery as the smallest pangs of hunger struck his body. Perhaps that display of magic earlier had taken more energy than he thought. He looked up at the menu and remembered everyone prattling on about this "honeyed toast", which was about the most familiar sounding thing to him. That and the apples. Bardulf really enjoyed some apples. He was, however, scared that even his accent could give away his identity. He made sure his hood shielded his facial features as he pointed to the words "Honeyed Toast" and after a brief pause the words "Toffee Apple", and then placed 5 golden coins onto the counter (when it was his turn of course). His posture was firm, slightly rigid, his breathing shallow and hidden, and while making every effort to seem inconspicious he would likely draw just a little too much attention as nearby customers and passerby would wonder "just what is up with that man?" Some would consider it creepy, some would consider it not their problem to worry about, and Bardulf would simply consider it "acting natural". [hider=TL;DR] Bardulf silently agrees with the notion to eat at a bakery, and while he holds reservations about the groupings, he does not object yet. He orders 1 Honeyed Toast and an order of Toffe apples, (-5 amas) and while doing so he sticks out like a sore thumb with his stoic expression and mannerisms. [/hider] [/center]