[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/iteJFoG.png[/img] [sub][@FroggRFlowR][@Villamvihar][@CamiCat][/sub][/center] In truth, Nonsuch was fine with leaving out the new girl to dry. It was the way of magical girls and the way of the solar system, after all. A singular light, against many shadows. If that pink, fluffy gal couldn't figure out how to handle herself around the entirety of the Detention Club, she wasn't going to last long in Hibusa. At the minimum, they operated in pairs. At the maximum? Between Shatterscape, Kriegspiel, Evil Eye, and Will of the Wisps, it was like going up against a small army. A baptism was required, as such. The winged archer (reminded Nonsuch of Pit) needed to show the bare minimum of being able to escape from a collective of ten dark magical girls first, before the idea of sticking around here was to be entertained. Alas, the Light Magical Girls of Hibusa weren't nearly the same sort of monolithic force as Schrade and Friends, and while Nonsuch may have simply brought out the popcorn if she were alone, Kaeru was inviting her to a party, so who was she to say no? They sailed through the nightscape upon an amphibian's back, her lips stretched out in a bright smile, before an entrance most dynamic saw the mismatched pair descend upon the same rooftops as Shatterscape and new girl. Crouched upon a water tower, Nonsuch waved at Shatterscape cheerily, her hammer leaning casually against her shoulder. She had chosen an elevated position for herself that was behind both Kaeru and new girl, providing a wider field of view and, more importantly, the opportunity to look down on that mishmashed jiangshi-oni-mecha girl. [b]"And I'm Nonsuch,"[/b] she called out. [b]"Take a look upwards, new-girl. Here in Hibusa, there's a certain rule we all follow, ok? Whenever you see something that looks like a flying eyeball, you kill it! It belongs to this super creepy voyeur, you see. You'd be doing a public service by keeping the sky free of those types."[/b] A roll of her eyes, exaggerated. [b]"Of course, if you do, you can expect to get jumped by this chimeric girlie over here, but hey. That's how the dark girls roll. Accomplices n everything."[/b]