[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/r2itte7aOCA87Qe_HJQ1HJURiOU_kieobJULdwLDpcI/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/230826/a78a86f5a50c3a99c699a2ed459c21e8.png[/img][/center] [b][color=c2c1ea]Interactions:[/color][/b] Yoko and some weird MF [hr] Only a few hours ago, Selena arrived in Brazil and made her way to the hub of all the Nomads who gathered here. Wow, this was a [i]lot[/i] of people whose asses she could hand to. The fact that she made it this far was enough proof to Selena that she could stop listening to that nagging little voice in the back of her mind saying, [i]Turn back, and they might not be as angry when you go home.[/i] But of course, Selena [i]wasn't[/i] listening to that, so instead she trudged on through the crowd of fighters, wizards and nerds that were congregating around this "carnival." It felt weird, being surrounded by so many people. Selena had been around large crowds, particularly the one at the magic tournament back home, but this- This felt like [i]thousands.[/i] All she could feel was wonder and awe. Every Nomad and their mother must've been here. Selena managed not to trip over people in the carnival, and eventually stumbled upon a rather unpleasant sight. A shorter woman was being held aloft over the ground by a man holding a stick. Like dangling a cat by the scruff, she thrashed and barked (y'know, like a cat) at the man to put her down. Instead, though, the man just looked at her deadpan. Well, that was unfortunate. Selena figured she might as well help out, and get some information from the woman before she was clobbered like a sack of potatoes. Selena closed the cloak that draped around her shoulders, and looked over to a spot behind the man. Suddenly, Selena was over there. But she hadn't moved- It was a clone. The clone held its palm up to the side of the man's face as a crackling orb of white energy manifested. The magical equivalent of holding a gun to someone's head. The fake Selena locked eyes with the man but said not a word, meanwhile the real one approached at last. [color=c2c1ea]"That's rather impolite, don't you think? Set the woman down, if you would be so kind,"[/color] She politely demanded, with a snarky smile on her face.