[centre][img]https://i.postimg.cc/G2gWJ2WH/My-project-1.png[/img][/centre] [hr] [indent]~ In that corner of the Recreation Room, Sophia's mind dipped into the memories of her high school years—a phase of life that appeared less tangled now than it did back then. The hallways of those days were vibrant with the vitality of youth, a mix of laughter, conversations, and the echoing thuds of lockers being shut. In that bustling environment, Sophia could be seen ambling with a contemplative aura, her emerald eyes distant, fixed on an unseen point that had set her apart as a tad eccentric. Her classmates were particularly intrigued by her gaze, which was often directed out of the window where her desk rested, and there was a murmur about her oddness. Her silent laughter, too, caught on the wind's whisper from time to time. But what the heck was the joke? On a particularly sun-soaked afternoon, a defining moment unfolded in Sophia's life, etching the nickname "Sunny" into her identity. Standing by a window, bathed in the warm embrace of sunlight, she found herself captivated by a delicate bird that flitted just beyond the glass pane. The simple beauty of the scene drew a gentle smile to her lips, a fleeting expression that revealed a rare glimpse into her inner world—a world often shielded from the prying eyes of her peers. Amidst the flow of students, there existed a mischievous figure notorious for her love of pranks and antics. Her words reached Sophia's ears in fragments—snippets like "Sunny," "out there again," and "loner." These fragments ignited a blend of feelings within Sophia—embarrassment entwined with curiosity. Could it be that they were discussing her? Uncertainty mingled with the stares she felt upon her back, leaving her in a state of puzzled contemplation. The jumbled snippets of conversation cast a spotlight on her as if a secret were shared about her that she wasn't privy to. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, she did not have to wait long to find out the secret. Amidst the halls and classrooms, the transformation was immediately palpable. Sophia's presence was no longer accompanied solely by her birth name; instead, the corridors whispered with the weight of "Sunny." While a handful of her peers embraced the nickname with genuine affection, the majority wielded it as a tool of amusement. Sly smirks exchanged between students, shared glances laden with hidden meanings—it all served to solidify the rift that had formed between Sophia and her classmates. With each utterance of "Sunny," Sophia felt an echo of her true self slipping away, replaced by the caricature that had been painted by her peers' perceptions. The name became a point of curiosity, turning her into an enigma among them. The girl who found solace in the sun's tender caress had inadvertently become the outlier, the one who seemed to revel more in nature's embrace than in the company of her fellow students. And as time went on, the divide between Sophia and her classmates continued to widen. "Sunny" had become more than a nickname; it was a symbol of the divergence between her introspective world and the bustling currents of teenage social circles. Sophia found herself navigating the hallways not only as an individual but also as a concept in itself—a girl who was both seen and obscured by the sunlight that had birthed her moniker. ~ Sitting in the corner, Sophia's thoughts echoed with the reminder that she couldn't remain hidden forever. The idea of appearing "normal" eluded her like an unsolved riddle. The uncertainty of where to begin or what to even aim for was a constant companion. A soft exhale left her lips as she lifted her head, her gaze drifting across the room. Faces blurred into a tapestry of unfamiliarity, but within the crowd, a few figures stood out—seemingly more approachable than the rest. The idea of stepping into their world ignited a flutter of nervousness in her chest, but determination welled up within her as well. Gritting her teeth, Sophia mustered the courage to rise from her corner, her heart's rhythm a rapid drumbeat in her ears. It was time to take the first tentative step toward bridging the gap between herself and these complete strangers. Summoning her courage, Sophia's voice cut through the air as she approached a girl who sat at a nearby table, carrying a tinge of anxiety. [color=#87CEEB]"Hey,"[/color] she began, her words a tentative bridge between their two worlds. As her emerald-green eyes met Haven's gaze, a sense of curiosity mingled with her unease. There was something about her, an aura of tranquillity that Sophia found both intriguing and inviting. With a soft exhale, she continued, her voice carrying a trace of vulnerability. [color=#87CEEB]"I'm Sophia. Mind if I join you?"[/color][/indent] Interacts with: [@Skai]