[center][h2]Mateo Secada Getting Out Singapore[/h2][/center] "Come on, come on, you slow computer," Mateo saying it as a whisper and in Spanish. Time is of the essence, and sooner or later, more guards will show up at the server room. He already had to deal with two, and all he has to do right now is wait for the information to download to his USB, and he can get out of there. Luckily, as he thought, it was easier and faster for him to hack into the server room directly. However, time was not on his side, as he waited anxiously for the data to finish downloading. Then, it was done, and Mateo quickly retrieved the USB. But as he did that, Mateo heard, "Stop what you are doing!" It came from behind him and not knowing who else was there. He pretended to surrender by putting his hands on his head and kneeling down. As the guards came to inspect him, and one of them laying a hand on his right shoulder. Did Mateo spring into action and after a somewhat quick fight. The two guards were down, and Mateo had to fire on a third who was aiming his gun at him. Though his pistol was silenced, it did not matter to him as his sole concern was getting out of this place alive. So Mateo rushed out of the server room and towards his exit. Mateo could hear the men behind him as he tried to get away. As he turned a corner, he heard the sound of bullets that just missing him. This only motivated him, and as tried going forward, only to see some guards and quickly turned into a random room. But it was a window room and so with little options. He quickly shot at the glass, and when it was mostly broken, he shoulder-charged what remained of the glass. Out the window, he went, and he quickly opened up his wingsuit suit. Now, he was gliding through the air, and he knew he was not going to make it to his landing zone or his backup one. But maybe to an improvised one and headed in that direction. For Mateo had done research on the building before the mission and knew there was an open area that was close by that he could land in. A park, and he deployed his parachute when he got sight of it. Slowly guiding himself in, and aimed for the grass. Mateo landed safely, and he was glad that no one was that, thanks to it being nighttime. As he heard the sirens coming from police cars and other ambulance vehicles nearby. Mateo took off his wingsuit and packed it with his parachute into the backpack. After double checking he was clear and alone. Did he get on comms, "This is Jaguar I am on the ground. I am at a park nearby, and so far, I am clear. Chaos, I can use that ride."