[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uErtVtX.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xu7nPzs.png[/img][/center] [sub][@Rune_Alchemist][@Click This][/sub] [hr][i]Havershel Estate[/i][hr] Lucrecia clicked her tongue as her knives clanked harmlessly from Havershel's ankles. [i][color=9e0039]These demons...[/color][/i] She thought. [color=9e0039][i]Are they protecting him?[/i][/color] Thankfully, Polina's sharpshooting allowed their chase through the halls to remain, for the most part, unimpeded. Darting down the hall and out of view for a moment, the pair of maids could hear the sound of a door being forcibly opened. Good, Lucrecia thought, that means that he's now cornered. As Lucrecia and Polina caught up, they were greeted with the scene of the Lord standing over an injured and pleading maid, shouting at her. Two other bodies laid to the side, Lucrecia could tell they looked fresh. The comment Havershel made was quite telling: Was the Lady of the house that maid from earlier mentioned a demonic pretender? What had Haversehl wrought on this estate... Myrilla, still nudging Lucrecia in her ear, suggested that she should take advantage of the situation and split away from the fellow agent. Even if she did, she wouldn't know where the real idol was being kept. However, Havershel himself or perhaps that injured maid did. She felt that the lord wasn't in the mood to be cooperative, but the maid was another story. Two demons had made a direct gambit towards Polina, perhaps this was a chance to do a Myrilla suggested. Hoping that the demons would keep Polina distracted for long enough, Lucrecia pulled out a gun and shot a chandelier that was above the pair of the Lord and the maid. Using it as a diversion, Lucrecia would snatch the injured maid and rescue her from the Lord. If her gambit worked, she would ask: [color=9e0039]"How has all of this happened, and where is the real idol the Lord has in his possession?"[/color]