[center][h1][b][color=silver]Lazash[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [quote]Both Vola and Lazash, from their cover across from each other, watched a shockwave of flame, dust, and rock powerful enough to indirectly rattle their bones thunder past them in an instant. The heat felt like opening an out-of-control oven and nearly losing their eyebrows. Their vision was seared white for a few painful seconds as the flames passed. Their ears rang painfully and then all sounds seemed as if they came from underwater. The explosion lasted a mere fraction of a second, and in its wake as their hearing slowly recovered, Lazash and Vola would notice the sound of rocks crumbling and crashing to the ground...but it wasn’t a cave in. At least, not the kind you saw in the movies that threatened to kill everyone and seal off the whole tunnel. Only the most fragile bits of rock had shattered or fallen down. It made a bit of a mess and spilled slippery gravel and sharp shards all over the ground, but if anything it had actually widened out the narrow tunnel a bit…Because a big chunk of that shiny, green-streaked substance in the side of one wall had been blasted into much smaller fragments that clackity-clacked all over the cave floor...[/quote] She had expected the potential for something like this, but the reality of it was certainly something else entirely. Certainly wasn't an 'intact' kill though, and they needed something to bring back intact enough to fulfill the quest. At the same time, they were alive and the 'narrow passage' was now larger than before at the same time. They had avoided a cave-in, somehow, and yet between the scorching heat from the prior Fire Bolt she'd used before and the Flak Beetle exploding like it was going out of style she felt the strain of it all on her body. Certianly surviving a tunnel explosion was no small thing, and at the same time she would notice the strange subtance that had been blown loose from the wall. [quote]And then, of course, there were a few…bits and pieces…of the Flak Beetle left. The rest of the shriveled, burnt mushrooms had been apparently vaporized.[/quote] ...Not to forget about the bits of Flak Beetle that were actually left though. After getting back to her senses once more, ascertaining that Vola was ok by looking over at where the other female runt was, and noting the gravel of slippery and sharp sorts on the ground, Lazash would get back to work without another work. She would use her feet to push the light-enough debris to the sides as she went along, as well as being careful where she stepped, but first thing was first and she would start going about to pick up the [b]chunks of the Flak Beetle[/b] first to put in her pack of things. If she got the chance afterward, she'd go to pick up as many of the [b]fragments of the shiny, green-streaked substance[/b] that were now all over the floor as she could get. After whatever she could do in these respects, she'd try to clear a path on the floor to the narrow passage itself to sit down next to it for a moment on any non-sharp rock she could find. Well, try to sit there at least for a moment to take a breather. A moment to rest after an explosion and heat blast combination was certainly something to take a short rest from, if anything, in her mind. [quote=SYSTEM]Warning: Your MP is low.[/quote] Ah. Likewise, at least this "SYSTEM" seemed to give her a proper indicator warning of having low MP as well. She did not want to push her luck in that respect either though. Losing all of her MP was not, as it seemingly would have mental effects based on prior SYSTEM notifications, a good idea in the end. Only getting two Fire Bolts before she ran low though? It was a low count, sure, but it certainly wasn't useless either after seeing what those things could do. She was, after all, just an Orc Runt at the start of her new life here. She just had to raise her MP more and train and such, etc, before she could really do more with casting spells. That, as it were, was a goal to look forward to to boot. [color=silver]"My MP is low, so there'll be no more Fire Bolts moving forward on my end."[/color] She would comment aloud to Vola by this point as she sat down next to the widened entrance into the narrow passage. [color=silver]"And we still lack a sufficiently 'intact' kill to bring back to the camp to fulfil the quest, though I'd wager that blast was audible even on the outside as well. Still, given the potential for us to have died here from that explosion it seems we have some amount of fortune on our side thus far. Hmm?"[/color] Fortune? Luck? It was probability at least, and they happened to not get hit with shrapnel or killed by a blast wave. Etc. A little miracle of sorts at the tail end of a bad decision that hadn't worked out as badly as she'd thought it would at least. What else was she to do though? They had no other way to retaliate against the Flak Beetle meaningfully, and might've been forced to run out to escape had it pursued them further. What would a pointy stick and sharp stone do against it, irritate the thing before it blew them up with its own 'fire bolt' as it were? This at least meant they had a chance to go deeper and see what else lied down here, maybe getting a kill of some kind before it got too late in the day. [@Unkown58][@Zeroth]