[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/chalk-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230831/a562892ae7fdd8016586acbb655b4b89.png[/img][/url] [sub] Starring [color=DC143C]Miles Prices[/color] and [color=fff79a]Mary Price[/color][/sub][/center] [hr] Mary pressed the wooden front door closed with a [i]click[/i]. She remained with her face turned to it for a moment, taking a long breath to regroup her thoughts. As much as she wanted to say Aloysius’ arrival didn’t impact her at all she couldn’t help but feel shaken in his presence. After a minute or two she turns around to instantly be caught off guard by her son standing at the end of the corridor, causing her to jump slightly. [color=fff79a]"Miles,”[/color] she sighs. Miles had awoken to the sound of muffled voices at the doorway of the house. By the time he had rolled out of bed, thrown on a shirt and wandered over to investigate his mum had just started pressing the door closed. In the few seconds he saw enough, the black hair and big purple cheek bruise, he knew exactly who she was talking to. [color=DC143C]”What was he doing here?”[/color] Miles asks gruffly, looking his mother up and down. [color=fff79a]"I was just passing over a few things, not that it’s any of your business,”[/color] Mary replies before starting to walk down the hallway. Her response made Miles grit his teeth. It may have not been his business but that answer made him uncomfortable. Miles didn’t know anything of his father outside of being a magi war criminal and abandoning his mother all those years ago, both events he wasn’t all that chuffed about. He couldn’t really place why the man was back. Did he want Miles for whatever magi atrocities he had planned next? Was he looking to woo Miles’s mother again now Miles was old enough to be fully independent and possibly out of the picture? The fact his mother dared to be near that man made him uneasy, let alone having him at the house. [color=DC143C]”If he left whatever those things were for 25 years I doubt they matter so much he needs to be here for them,"[/color] Miles snaps [color=fff79a]"Looks like someone rolled out of the wrong side of the bed this morning."[/color] Mary shoots back, finishing her trip to the kitchen where she starts a pot of coffee. The heightened emotions of the past 24 hours was starting to wear her down, the last thing she needed was Miles’ interrogations. [color=fff79a]"If you really must know, Miles, what I gave him I did for me, not for him,”[/color] she states as she goes to grab the mugs. [color=DC143C]”[i]For you[/i]. The hell do you mean ‘for you’? He abandoned us, left us to struggle and all it takes is some half-assed excuse for you to be [i]ok[/i] with that? What’s next? You’re gonna fall into his arms and try and play happy families? Not on my watch,”[/color] Miles yells back, his pale face becoming flushed in his outburst. [color=fff79a]"It ain’t like that and I’m sure you well know it!”[/color] Mary snaps back, banging her travel cup and a mug on the kitchen bench. [color=fff79a]"Last time I checked I was the parent in this house. Thought I’d raised you better than to talk to your mother like that.”[/color] [color=DC143C]”And I thought you were decent enough to be honest with me but here we are.”[/color] Mary’s face flushed redder than her son’s at that comment. Funnily enough the guilt wasn’t about to consume her, it was the frustration instead. She thought they were over the petty kitchen fights back in Miles' college days but clearly she was wrong. She could understand him being mad about all she put into hiding that he was magi from him but the rest of the attacks were unwarranted. Still, she remained on his last thought. [color=fff79a]"I did what I thought was right at the time to protect you. You’ll understand that soon enough,”[/color] she replies. Mary tried her hardest to restrain herself from yelling, she was barely successful but enough to lower her tone slightly. She could only hope Miles would follow suit. Miles, on the other hand, was not having a bar of it. He was mad, the beating in his head from last night’s liquor consumption seemed to do all but help. [color=DC143C]”Yeah? And how’s that working out for you?”[/color] he growls. [color=fff79a]"Miles Price!”[/color] the woman snaps. She instantly cuts herself off, running her hands across her face and growling in frustration. Her patience was wearing thin and she wasn’t sure how many more of her son’s comments she could take. [color=fff79a]"Miles,”[/color] she starts again, her tone more gentle yet she couldn’t help the frustration that flowed through her voice. [color=fff79a]"Sweetie. I love you, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me but you drive me absolutely crazy sometimes,”[/color] she drawls, her voice full of exasperation. She knew she had done little to disarm Miles but part of her didn’t really care, it had seemed this argument had gone too far for that anyway. Miles was taken aback by his mother’s comment. He knew he was far from the perfect son, he also knew even if he was his mother would have had it hard enough to raise him. [color=DC143C]”Would you prefer to have Carlisle as a son then since he’s oh-so-perfect?”[/color] the man yells back. If Miles was being honest he hadn’t noticed himself being concerned with the effort Mary was putting into helping his friend, it was never an issue with Lilith who Miles figured may have been his mum’s favourite some days despite her denials. If he was being honest Miles wasn’t quite sure where that line came from. Genuine jealousy or an attempt to make his mother feel bad. Likely the latter, he figured. That comment hurt Mary, had she spent so long invested in Miles’ friends that he felt kicked aside? Or was Miles just aiming to kill as he tended to do when he got emotional? Mary could have used her powers to calm the room but didn’t pay much mind to that knowledge, instead she checked in with her divination on Miles’ purpose for his argument. It answered clearly that it was likely an attempt to guilt her and that knowledge made her madder, and more frustrated. [color=fff79a]"Don’t play that card, Miles. Don’t do that to me. You and I both know what you’re tryna do here,”[/color] she growls back. Miles fell silent. He wanted to ask how Carlisle knew about Lilith being pregnant before him, he was [i]sure[/i] it was Mary that had told him. He wanted to yell it and demand to know [i]why[/i] but for as much as Miles was mouthy he knew he was close to pushing his mother over the edge. He could tell in the way she growled and stomped across the room. Miles had only ever pushed her off that ledge a handful of times in his teen years but it was enough to know that was not a scene he wanted a part in. [color=fff79a]"Now, if you’re finished I need to go pick up my parents who’ll probably have a go at me too because being told off by my son apparently ain’t enough,”[/color] Mary grumbles, pouring coffee from the pot into her travel mug. She then bangs the pot next to the cup on the bench she had retrieved for Miles before grumbling, [color=fff79a]"You can pour your own damn coffee.”[/color] Miles remained silent, leaving Mary to assume he had no more to say, She aggressively snatches her handbag from its hook and makes her way to the door. As she opens the door she calls back [color=fff79a]"You better have a better attitude when I get home, young man!”[/color] Miles’ hands balled into fists as his mother slammed the door shut. Now that the house was dead silent Miles was left on his own to reflect on the conversation. His eyes trailed to the coffee pot on the table. With the adrenaline wearing off fast the colour started to drain from the man’s face. While Miles and his mother had had their spats they hadn’t really had any full fights like this since his first (and only) year in college. He gave a sigh. At least he knew where he could get an answer on Carlisle’s knowledge of his and Lil’s situation. Miles pulled out his phone and texted to ask to meet his friend at Huskers, they were due for a hangout anyway.