[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/1075968221628350566/Court_of_Nuhl.png[/img] [color=E8113C][sub]October 9th, 528 - 1:00am[/sub][/color] [h2][color=E8113C]Hasgad Holding Facility -> Safe House[/color][/h2][/center] The fireball crashed against the enemy's defenses, the flash and heat of roaring flames giving their front line just enough pause to have their back line slam against them. More than a few mages hit the floor in a mad scramble, more focused on preventing the rebels from escaping than paying attention to their allies. The door between them shut firmly, wedged shut by transmutation magic, and the rebels would have a bit more breathing room, if only by a minute. Extraction hadn't been thoroughly covered - a simple command: [i]Get to the treeline[/i]. But this wasn't an oversight. Those with the company long enough knew the Commander's magic and it was on full display as the escapees broke into the dense woods surrounding the holding facility. Writhing and twisted, shadows casted by moonlight shifted underfoot and the Commander's voice seemed to echo from everywhere as an indistinguishable chant cleaved shadow from tree and bush and gathered it around the escapees. The world lengthened and stretched and shadows filled in the spaces between matter until only darkness, deep and frigid, remained. Silence reigned, even snatching voices from those ensnared in the spell, and yet the presence of [i]others[/i] was tangible, the hairs on nearly everyone's nape rising. Until the world snapped back into shape and the forest they'd left behind was replaced by sprawling prairies and a quaint stone cottage with a wrap around porch. An older woman, wrapped in a deep green shawl and nursing a steaming mug, watched the group with mild interest as she rocked in a well loved rocking chair. The Commander stood, sweat on his brown and a deep frown of concentration, fifteen paces off the house with his shadows retreating beneath him. His chest heaved with the exertion of transporting so many people and his hands shook violently as he took a moment to lean heavily on the younger mage next to him. The mage offered them a sunny smile, all dimples and neatly coiffed hair, and a wave of his gloves hand. [color=pink]"Welcome, friends, to… Well, here! This place shall be unnamed until we've had an opportunity to shift through our new friend's heads and confirm they aren't imperial spies meant to identify us, betray us, and slaughter us in our sleep!"[/color] The new man explained cheerily to an irritable grunt from the Commander. He just laughed, smoothing out the black trench coat as the Commander elbowed him sharply in the ribs.[color=pink]"And in the meantime, the others we did pull a few strings to get a Life Mage here so go get checked out inside and then feel free to grab some stew on the stove."[/color] Commander Agreve shoved himself off his cheery counterpart. [color=Peru] "We debrief as soon as these two chucklefucks are cleared by our mind mage. Central command…"[/color] Agreve's eyes flickered to Lyra and back. [color=Peru]"Procured some additional supplies for a halfway decent meal after this so enjoy. Vamps, you got a bottle on the counter too if you need it. Apparently, it's from some dead, snooty nobles supply so I guess it's good? Don't fuckin' know, don't fucking care. Drop the unconscious one on the ground, Roan follow me.[/color] Agreve barked his orders out, still shaking but shoulders straight and his stride even as he headed back for the house.