[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230102/ba8961bf992f7ba7da9efaa7c5eac8eb.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] Nothing was more satisfying than watching her magic at work, but Lyra wasn't going to stick around--not that she had much of a choice as she was pulled back some by what must have been Quinn's magic. Fortunately, everyone was able to make it out, and Caspian managed to make sure they weren't followed. She felt like she could finally breathe once they stepped outside, the unfamiliar twisting and turning their surroundings a sign that they were home free. She wasn't nearly as weirded out by the changes as she should have been, though as she had been used to teleportation magic, she wasn't phased. On the contrary, the change in scenery was more than welcome--they were safe. The mission was a success. Exhaling quietly, Lyra let the tension leave her, though she stood rigid as they were addressed. She perked up a touch at the familiar face of her old primary magic teacher greeting them, though the annoyance radiated off of the Commander. She didn't miss the little look at her as he mentioned additional supplies, and she suppressed a groan. Her mother's doing, no doubt, and she was sure the Commander wasn't entirely pleased with the idea of preferential treatment. Not that Lyra had a choice--now that she thought about it, her professor's appearance probably had something to do with her mom, too. Why else would the mage with the highest vampire kill count be waiting for her there? Dismissing the thoughts for now--if she thought about it for too long she was going to get annoyed--she turned to the group, though she wasn't able to say much to Quinn before he immediately walked off. She looked down at the unconscious Dylan, rubbing the back of her head. In hindsight, saving two out of three should have felt good, but it still hurt to see they couldn't save Marie. At least everyone else was safe. They had to take whatever victories they could. [color=crimson]"Um...good job, everyone. Breathe, relax...we're home free,"[/color] Lyra offered out loud, hoping she sounded a little more cheery. She figured it probably sounded awkward, but she figured [i]someone[/i] should try to be assuring. Before Roan would go, however, she gently patted his shoulder. [color=crimson]"You're safe now, okay?"[/color] She tried not to linger for too long, not wanting to get any vampiric commentary and also wanting to catch the professor to confirm something. She briefly glanced at the old woman, something about her appearance feeling familiar, but she couldn't place a name to the face. She wouldn't ignore her completely, however, giving her a slight bow of the head in respect before turning her attention to the professor. Deciding to approach him directly, she placed her hands behind her back in some effort to come off as more playful than anything else. [color=crimson]"It's good to see you again, Professor Valafar,"[/color] She greeted him kindly. While the last thing she wanted to be was accusatory, she couldn't help but ask, [color=crimson]"Don't tell me you were waiting here for me?"[/color] [/indent][hr]