[hider=Vah'lux Ki-ao’uthal] [h2][b][i][color=FFD700][center]Vah'lux Ki-ao’uthal[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h2] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/m5jgjBM/vahlux-portrait.png[/img][/center] [h3][b][i][color=FFD700][center]ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔π•₯𝕖𝕣 π•Šπ•¦π•žπ•žπ•’π•£π•ͺ[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFD700]β„•π•’π•žπ•–:[/color][/b] Vah'lux Ki-ao’uthal [b][color=FFD700]π”Έπ•˜π•–:[/color][/b] 25 [b][color=FFD700]π•Šπ•‘π•–π•”π•šπ•–π•€:[/color][/b] Goliath [b][color=FFD700]π”Ύπ•–π•Ÿπ••π•–π•£:[/color][/b] F [b][color=FFD700]𝕆𝕔𝕔𝕦𝕑𝕒π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ:[/color][/b] Warrior Shaman [b][color=FFD700]π”Έπ•π•šπ•˜π•Ÿπ•žπ•–π•Ÿπ•₯:[/color][/b] Lawful Neutral [h3][b][i][color=FFD700][center]π”Έπ•‘π•‘π•–π•’π•£π•’π•Ÿπ•”π•–[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFD700]β„π•–π•šπ•˜π•™π•₯:[/color][/b] 6’9 [b][color=FFD700]π”Ήπ•¦π•šπ•π••:[/color][/b] Tall, lean, well-defined muscles inherent to her people [b][color=FFD700]𝔼π•ͺ𝕖𝕀:[/color][/b] Iridescent emerald that almost glow in low light. [b][color=FFD700]β„π•’π•šπ•£:[/color][/b] Dark walnut brown [b][color=FFD700]π•Šπ•œπ•šπ•Ÿ π•‹π• π•Ÿπ•–:[/color][/b] Reddish-brown to Sepia [b][color=FFD700]𝕋𝕒π•₯π•₯𝕠𝕠𝕀/π•Šπ•”π•’π•£π•€/β„™π•šπ•–π•£π•”π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•€:[/color][/b] A few ornamental and cultural tattooed symbols adorn various parts of her upper body, partially obscured by fragments of chest armor. Vah’lux is slightly below average height for her race of people, standing at just under seven feet tall, with lean, defined muscles, reddish-brown skin color, and emerald eyes that seemingly glow in low light under a furrowed brow. Dark, walnut hair is about as disheveled as one would imagine from her kind, cut uneven in some areas, and the longest part braided in a thick ponytail and secured with beaded string and fabric remnants. While the woman may be in her late early twenties, years of harsh weather, blows to the face, scars that never healed properly, and other factors have made her seem older and quite "rough" in appearance, stripping away the beauty she once held as a youngling. Her armor consists of light reinforced leathers and pelts, fastened with iron pieces and strips of treated leather over vital areas of her neck, chest, pelvis, thighs, feet, and forearms. [center][/center][h3][b][i][color=FFD700][center]β„™π•–π•£π•€π• π•Ÿπ•’π•π•šπ•₯π•ͺ:[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=FFD700][center]Strong-willed β€’ Confident β€’ Respectful β€’ Honorable β€’ Suspicious β€’ Organized β€’ Perceptive[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=FFD700]ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕒π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿπ•€π•™π•šπ•‘ π•Šπ•₯𝕒π•₯𝕦𝕀:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=FFD700]β„™π•–π•£π•€π• π•Ÿπ•’π•π•šπ•₯π•ͺ:[/color][/b] The Goliath gleans with a genuine confidence that very few seem to have in this current age. Whereas her demeanor may come off as coarse, it couldn't be further from the truth. Her rough exterior is balanced by a warm, humble approach, and generally friendly disposition, as even when things may seem dark, she manages to lift the mood of the people she encounters. [b][color=FFD700]β„π•’π•“π•šπ•₯𝕀:[/color][/b] ? [list] [*] Humming an old tune from her childhood, usually when she is thinking or anxious. [*] When opportunity permits, Vah’lux gives thanks to the land with a short prayer. [/list] [b][color=FFD700]β„π• π•“π•“π•šπ•–π•€:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Collecting/Documenting various flowers and herbs which can help in medical practice. [/list] [b][color=FFD700]𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕀:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Technology and the greed of humans will swallow up the beauty of the world [*] The extinction of her people and society [*][/list] [b][color=FFD700]π•ƒπ•šπ•œπ•–π•€:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Those who are honorable [*] Communing with the land and nature. [*] People who respect the land. [*] Honey Ale. [*][/list] [b][color=FFD700]π”»π•šπ•€π•π•šπ•œπ•–π•€:[/color][/b] [list] [*] She holds a great distrust and suspicion of technology. [*] Those who trample and take from the land without returning and restoring it. [*] Dishonesty. [*] Indiscriminate killing. [*] Loud and obnoxious people. [*][/list] [h3][b][i][color=FFD700][center]π•€π•Ÿπ•—π• π•£π•žπ•’π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ:[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFD700]π”Ύπ•–π•Ÿπ•–π•£π•’π• π•Šπ•œπ•šπ•π•π•€:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Melee combat (glaive). [*] Hand-to-hand combat. [*] Above average athletics and stamina. [*] Knowledge in Field Medicine/Herbalism. [*] Can withstand heat better than average due to her upbringing in the desert. [*] Knowledge of the terrain. [/list] [b][color=FFD700]π•„π•’π•˜π•šπ•”π•’π•/π•Šπ•‘π•–π•”π•šπ•’π•π•₯π•ͺ π•Šπ•œπ•šπ•π•π•€:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Laying hands via spiritual guidance to heal [*] As the Spirits will, they may augment healing to a certain degree. [/list] [b][color=FFD700]π•€π•Ÿπ•§π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ:[/color][/b] [list] [*] Nearly unbreakable seven foot spear made of cured hardwood and leather, with ancient Kharakhi symbols carved along its length, and a leaf-shaped blade. Twin, curved daggers, secured in a belt sheath behind her lower back. [*] Satchel of healing herbs, bandages, incense, flint stones & tinder, and charcoal block (for drawing glyphs) [*] 5 days of rations [*] Waterskin [/list] [center][img][/img][/center][h3][b][i][color=FFD700][center]β„π•šπ•€π•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ:[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFD700]π•Šπ•¦π•žπ•žπ•’π•£π•ͺ:[/color][/b] [i]An oral history of Vah'lux Ki-ao’uthal of the Kathaal tribe.[/i] Twenty-five years prior, Vah’lux Ki-ao’uthal was born in the northernmost reaches of the Kharaki desert, home to a handful of nomadic tribes -including the Kathaals- all of which learned to survive the harsh climates, and extreme altitudes. As resources became scarce, as was the case from time-to-time, certain groups broke away to migrate to the four corners of the land, hoping to find new resources and a livelihood. The youngling’s upbringing was not much different than most children born within a Goliath tribe, learning the ways of her people through oral histories passed down countless generations. Hunting and gathering was a staple activity for most at a later age, and both male and female learned everything that was needed to maximize their strengths and contribute to their own growth and, more importantly, the needs of the community. Honor and family were held in the highest regard, and very few Goliath would ever jeopardize that by putting themselves before their tribe. Survival was paramount. Late adolescence found the young female hunting quite a distance from the village and alone for the first time since taking up the longbow and spear years before. Perhaps it was a curious mind that evening or the need to increase the challenge and compete against herself, but she kept moving further into unknown territory even as the sunlight hours began to fade. Moments later, she heard a call for help in the common tongue, and cautiously headed toward that direction only to find a human male sitting on a rock tending a wound on his leg, cold, hungry, and tired. Further inspection revealed lash marks along his back. A slave? While suspicions were on high, she gave assistance nonetheless, bringing the young man back to her village, where they fed and cared for him. Over the course of the stranger’s two days of being looked after by Kathaal healers, Vah’lux stayed near, assisting when she could and inquiring about many things in distant lands. It also became the first time she had grown to adore another of a smaller, foreign race, perhaps drawing dangerously close to him as well beyond what she had expected. [i]"Kuli ananaka kulae aulaka"[/i], she would say when excitement crept up, meaning β€œMy heart is in my head.” But the joy would not last, as days after the stranger left the village, a swift and indiscriminate raider attack converged onto the encampments. Goliath scouts were all but slain, leaving very few aware of the impending dangers, which took the lives of countless warriors, elders, and younglings. Those who weren’t killed were taken captive and thrown into heavy shackles, including Vah’lux. Adding salt to the festering wound of losing her parents and many of her people, she spotted the human who only a few moons earlier she had helped nurse back to health. He stood on the sidelines next to another of the vile raiders, his face bloodied and expression full of shame, as the vile grin and smugness of the creature standing next to him mocked the Goliath. But while the rage built up within her, it was not directed toward the feeble human boy, if anything, she pitied him. Rather her ire was toward the invaders who treated everything and everyone in their path as worthless, stepping on corpses and pillaging, as the survivors were led away from their home. Guilt such as this could never be erased. Vah'lux foolishly allowed an outsider in, and while she could not bring herself to harbor ill-will toward the young human pawn, she had to carry the thought that she was responsible for the slaughter and enslavement of her people. A mistake she silently vowed to never make again. Over five years had passed, and none too quickly either, as she was used and abused as a slave to raider encampments throughout the region, tasked with various physical and medicinal duties. Her only company most of the time, a dire wolf, black as midnight, amber eyes, and at least twice as large as a normal wolf. Vah'lux always had a heart for the creatures that blessed the lands and would not hesitate to share her meager portions, or perhaps all of it, if it meant the beast would be satisfied above her own needs. However, it took a good part of a year to get to that point in their relationship, as the Dire Wolf was abused at the hands of the Raiders so often, it had very little trust in anyone. But, with time came healing, and the creature felt much more at ease with her new friend, learning to acknowledge and obey words and commands in Gol-kaa that would solidify their bond even further. Their relationship had also urged the Goliath woman to push for a way out of captivity. Her and her tribe. *** UPRISING **** Freedom. For years it had become a fading thought, and the hope that went with it dwindled over time. She was only one of a handful of her tribe held by the Raiders, and even they were dying away. But a dream of her lost people the night before urged the Goliath on, resolved to escape from under the filthy heel of her oppressors and seek out her tribe once again. Whispers to other slaves she trusted carried throughout the stronghold. Many were in agreement, and then the evening fell, so the revolt started. Chaos ensued, fires broke out, and the screams of Raiders and slaves alike echoed throughout the night sky. Vah'lux ushered many of the others to safety, keeping watch to ensure they cleared the gates. Enemy archers picked off who they could; stragglers were the first to go. As the last group of captives fled to the outside of the walls, the Goliath followed. Vah'lux was flanked and knocked over by a hulking Raider in spiked armor, one who was nearly her size and mass, in fact. The same Raider who tormented her for the years during her time spent in captivity. And, the very one who stood by the human boy as her people were pulled from their home. Just as the Raider’s crude spear was raised above his head to make the final killing blow against the prone woman, the dire wolf lunged at the vile creature, teeth clenched onto the monster's wrist, causing him to relinquish the weapon. It was just enough time for Vah'lux to stand, grab the dropped spear, and plunge it into the Raider's abdomen, bypassing the meager protection of the leather armor, which brought the creature to its knees in pain. His presence lit up a rage that boiled inside the Goliath woman, as she turned the spear head around, tearing and crunching cartilage and tissue. "You always be animal!" The Raider exclaimed in broken common language while spitting blood toward the Goliath. "You will die animal!" Vah'lux stared at her captive. The anger harbored toward him was great, but the words she wished to say to him were just not worth the time spent. "Then perhaps that is all I will be!" She growled in response. "S'trey'kor!" Uttering the command to kill in Gol'kaa, as the wolf did not hesitate to tear the flesh from the Raider's neck with massive jaws and razor sharp teeth. Vah'lux turned and ran. Never to look back. Never to return. *** OUT OF THE FRYING PAN **** Days turned into weeks in the desert, and many of the others who escaped either went their own ways, perhaps back to their homelands, or died off through disease, malnutrition, or wounds that never healed properly. It eventually came down to the Goliath and the Wolf. Through hunting and resourcefulness, Vah’lux managed to acquire components to create a few pieces of hide armor to help with protection as well as staving off the elements along her journey, and weapons were crude, but usable. She had very little idea of where her travels would take her, as the lands grew darker and more harsh, challenging not only her skills as a hunter and gatherer, but her wits. It was also time for the Wolf to return to its pack, as the land spoke mysteries that only the animal would understand, and so it left, but not without looking back at its friend one last time before departing into the darkness. β€œAk’loc kano ekta” Vah’lux whispered in her native tongue. [i]May we meet again…[/i] [center][img][/img][/center][h3][b][i][color=FFD700][center]𝔼𝕩π•₯𝕣𝕒𝕀[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FFD700]ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔π•₯𝕖𝕣 β„šπ•¦π• π•₯𝕖:[/color][/b] When you move away from land and nature, the heart becomes hard. [/hider]