[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tCWhF1qr/image.gif[/img][/center] Da'Niyah had raised an eyebrow at the bunnysuited woman's display. It made the gears in her head start turning, whirring with fascination, before she could make any hypothesis about what was happening, a beeping, ringtone rattled through her mind. She blinked, and the sound continued for a while longer before a letter icon appeared in her vision and opened itself. The message went on with some woman who called herself a god yapped about a mix of useless and somewhat useful information. Perhaps it was strange Da'Niyah first thought was about this 'Gods' questionable wardrobe. However it quickly faded to the back of her minds as she considered the rest of the strange note? email? a message seemed the most proper way to describe it. According to this, they were in a new world, which also begged the question of how and why. Taking into account they should now be able to talk and speak the common tongue of this apparently new world... Her thoughts were cut shorts by the faint sounds of someone-or perhaps something, approaching. She turned to where it sounded like the noise was coming from and the corners of her mouth twitched downwards. "...I hear it as well." She answered simply, if it was dangerous perhaps they all had some sort of magic like the woman in the bunny suit? Soon as such a thought crossed her mind, a bouquet of pink roses appeared in her hand. They were very on theme with her current outfit, and seemed impossibly detailed with small glimmering gemstones and strings of pearls wrapped around with lace and other unnecessary decor. Da'Niyah brung them closer to her face to inspect the newly acquired item, and her grip on the bouquet seemed to have little effect on them. No sooner than when she did that a little icon popped up next to the bouquet, like the ones which appeared next to items in video games. She stared at it as it expanded into a window across her vision giving a description of what she had in her hand. [quote][b]SKILL ITEM[/b] Pink Roses & Burgundy Thorns [list] [*] inflicts temporary blindness [*] thorns inflict minor physical damage [/list][/quote]