[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/pV5BXbKd/magic-girl-removebg-preview.png[/img][/center] [indent]Aria was taken aback as the electronic ringtone jolted her senses from within her mind. The sheer strangeness of a mental ringtone sent a shiver down her spine, making her feel like she'd stumbled into the twilight zone. She was grappling with this unprecedented experience, attempting to find some logical thread amidst the surrealism that now surrounded her. As the envelope-shaped icon materialized before her, Aria's initial shock turned into deep-seated confusion. It was hard to concentrate on anything else, even as she noticed Sayu's rather embarrassing reaction to the unfolding events. She leaned into the message, though the overly cheerful tone was starkly contrasted by the absurdity of their predicament. Aria's inquisitive mind kicked into overdrive, firing off a barrage of questions about this enigmatic "God" and the bewildering circumstances that had landed them in this perplexing realm. Only after the email vanished from her mind did Aria finally manage to pull her attention away from the bizarre message. She turned her gaze toward the red-hooded girl standing nearby, cheeks faintly flushed. Aria struggled to find words, her brain still reeling from the unexpected twist. "Whoever this God person is," she stammered, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and bewilderment, "they certainly have a weird sense of humour." Like Sayu, she was also reluctant to believe that they'd been placed in some other dimension because...well, it was impossible, wasn't it? Yet... Aria looked back at the now-damaged tree, biting her lip in thought. She couldn't help but wonder if there was some hidden purpose behind their situation, even if it seemed utterly implausible. Before she could voice any more ideas, however, she noticed her new companion's sudden change of expression. To her question, she merely cocked her head to the side and looked around her. "I don't hear anything in particular," Aria responded, her voice hushed as she scanned the forest. There was a lingering sense of unease, a feeling that they were not alone in this strange place. The chirping birds were still tweeting away, and the tension in the air had not changed for her. "Perhaps it was...the wind?" [/indent]