[u][b]Humans:[/b][/u] [i]Humans in the Argent Nexus are as your humans anywhere else; varied, survivable, and fast-populating. Created by the demi-god children of Allt-far from his own divine remains, humans were the earliest mortal inhabitants of the Argent Nexus, and spread themselves across the continent in their search for suitable places to call their new homes. Their capital is the grand city of Hawkminster, where the King and his royal family - descended from Allt-far's children themselves - reign and guide Mankind, alongside the trust council of the King's advisors. Humans average five to seven feet in height, weigh from sixty to one-hundred kilograms, and live roughly eighty to ninety years. Their skin tones, eyes, and hair colours span the standard range of human colouration, and they have no distinctive physical characteristics beyond those normal for humans. Humans can be found everywhere across the continent, and have no singular region or city of origin beyond their capital of Hawkminster; however, several cities and town were principally settled by humans, including Blackborough, Pinefall, and Westharbour. Mankind has a special relationship with Allt-far, as their celestial progenitor, but still revere the Veiled, respectful of Allt-far's prior place in their divine cabal. [/i][hr] [u][b]Mennesk:[/b][/u] [i]Mennesk are a subrace of Humanity, created long ago by a buried and forgotten magical rite that was intended to elevate Mankind, but ultimately created a distinct offshoot of Human that quickly established themselves as an independent people. Fittingly for their origins, Mennesk could reasonably pass as Human - were it not for being practically demi-giants, blessed with tremendous height (ten to twelve feet), broad builds (one-hundred-ten to one-hundred-sixty kilograms), long lives (one-hundred to one-hundred-twenty year), incredible physical strength, and physical adaptations that their bodies take on from adolescence as they acclimate to their surroundings. However, whatever magics were used in their creation also severed them from its weave, and Mennesk have a unique ineptitude for spellcasting - taking many years of intense study to grasp mere basics that other races master in months. Due to their innate adaptive capabilities, and their innate impotence with magic, Mennesk developed a nomadic, traveling society, and emphasised the values of education and craftsmanship within their culture. As a result, since their conception Mennesk have become a race of well-traveled, well-learned caravaneer nomads, known for their strength, scholastic prowess, and the quality of their craft in paths both practical and artistic. Mennesk caravans typically keep equal footing among all members - men, women, and children alike - but particularly-skilled and talented individuals are regarded as Sages for their specific craft, and are revered and well-respects across caravans for their mastery. Caravans additionally have a designated Elder, who leads the convoy and is responsible for maintaining peace and security within the caravan. Onnea is the patron God of the Mennesk, and honoured accordingly, but they also pay frequent tribute to Tvorba as craftsmen, and heed the rest of the Veiled as appropriate along their travels. Naturally for a nomadic people, there is no singular fixed Mennesk settlement, and their people are in constant movement across the land; but caravan routes cross paths with some regularity, and several hubs have developed as common meeting-points and respites for caravans along their separate journeys, where it is known you can reliably find Mennesk for trade or commission - though there's no guarantee you'll find the specific individual you might be looking for. These hubs include Wolf's Snag, Riverpass, Tuskbarrow, Thorn's Rest, Oak Hollow, Emberhold, and Halfwall.[/i][hr] [u][b]Vizairi:[/b][/u] [i]The Vizairi are an enigmatic, ethereal people, crafted by the Veiled from the very essences of Galdur and the elemental teachings of Air - born to carry the legacy of magic through the Argent Nexus, and through their heritage master spellcasting unlike any other. Vizairi are graceful and uncanny in equal measure, owing to the nature of their creation. Tall (seven to nine feet) and slender (forty to seventy kilograms), their limbs are proportionally longer than those of other races, with long and delicate fingers. Vizairi skin - always pale blue-to-purple tones - shimmers across its surface occasionally; their eyes are piercing and vibrant gem-like shades of purple, green, and yellow, and their hair ranges from white-silver tones, to faintly-yellow blondes, to ebony-black. Vizairi exude grace across their every movement, and they are the very picture of poise. Vizairi are innate masters of spellcasting, displaying raw natural talent unseen anywhere else in the land, and magic is weaved into their people's everyday lives as simply as breathing. Beyond the tutelage and practice of magic though, their culture values privacy and stoicism to extreme measures often regarded rude or off-putting by other, more sociable races - but in truth, while polite, Vizairi are simply intensely private and reluctant to display emotion. Vizairi even decline to share their names; out in the world, they go by their race name, their occupation, or appellations assigned to them based on their physical appearance, and their wedding ceremonies are attended only by the spouses and their immediate families, consisting of brief vows and an exchanging of [b]names[/b] rather than rings. Other races are not welcome within the walls of Vizairi cities - to be permitted inside is a great honour, and even then the guest will be escorted - and to be invited into a Vizairi's [b]home[/b] is considered the single deepest expression of respect and admiration once can be offered; more often than not, such an invitation is tantamount to a solemn romantic bid. The Vizairi can be found across the land, but the majority of their people reside mostly within the Tír Ceilite Forest - where their capital city Inithalair and sister city Yiluné can be found - or the Wintered Canyon, where the city of Ithserine is sheltered. From Inithalair, the Vizairi Emperor reigns, though due to their private culture the Emperor in truth has little influence on their day-to-day lives of their people; instead, Emperor is closer to an honourary title bestowed upon the foremost scholar of magic among the Vizairi, and their successor a chosen acolyte who has long-studied spellcasting under their tutelage. The legacy of the Emperor is that of the most powerful and learned wielders of magic to ever grace the realm. Galdur, God of Magic, is the patron deity of the Vizairi - his divine essence woven in their very beings - but they revere the Veiled as a whole, paying tribute to all Gods.[/i][hr] [u][b]Clodaar:[/b][/u] [i]To be completed[/i][hr] [b][u]Al-Tah'neen:[/u][/b] [i]To be completed[/i][hr]