[@EliteCommander] [@Cath] [@Quest Abandoner] [i] [color=00aeef] [h1] [center]Kolvar Stilmyst [/center][/h1][/color][/i] Kolvar laughed as he looked over at the other S’torian especially the one S’tor in chains. His laugh sounded like a mix of someone trying to clear their nose and a wheezy laugh. “[color=00aeef][i]That seems very obvious to me.[/i][/color]” He said in a noticeably sarcastic voice. Kolvar took a few steps from the S’torian that was holding onto him.”[color=00aeef][i]I should explain the reason for my ruse. A long time ago my people the Kriliterans were enslaved and our land annexed by the S’torians. The S’torians had killed a lot of Kriliterans trying to take our land. More were murdered when we tried to rebel to gain our freedom. But we were able to gain our freedom by faking a mass suicide. The reason I was in disguise was so I would not be interrogated for the other’s locations.[/i][/color]” His elongated fingers point to all of the S’torians in the group. Kolvar had a small hint of anger in his voice and face when bringing up the great tragedy of his people. But he took a few deep breaths before speaking again. “[color=00aeef][i]But it was selfish of me to hide my identity, but I assume you would understand the reason for the deception. I could not be interrogated and my people once again enslaved.[/i][/color]” He felt that the S’torians would still want to enslave the Kriliterans. “[color=00aeef][i]Unfortunately I have made a grave mistake and now our secret has been revealed. I am sorry for the deception, I cannot let my people be enslaved again, my soul would be dragged into the abyss if that would happen.[/i][/color]” He turned his arm into a sharp blade, placing the blade to his neck in an attempt to decapitate himself.