[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a1/8c/76/a18c7656662362b88f409b5a57c98a52.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@PatientBean][@Forsythe][@Blizz][@Kirah][@Natsu][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]10:00 AM - Wed. Sep. 15th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][@Nallore][@Forsythe]: "No, that would be cheating!" Usagi said, smacking Diana gently on the head. "I'm not raising a fucking cheater!" Usagi then added, as if Diana was a naughty kitten. And at any rate, Zari then got in some kills - Vicky had somehow just been turned off, something that made Usagi snicker to herself and whisper an ancient curse word under her breath, and Arcade had ended up being crushed when the mech crumpled around him, forcing him to fall into the hole. "And then there were two!" Usagi cheered. "And more fucking losers, huh! Huh!!" she breathed deeply, staring at Vicky and Arcade, both of whom would wake up in their weird bacta tanks. Arcade looked annoyed if anything else, spitting out the little breathing mask as the liquids drained, and the tank door swung open, letting him leave. "That's not fair - she's god in there!" Arcade protested. "Aww, is the baby whining? Does the baby need a binkie? Or a nappy nap?" Usagi mocked. [@Blizz][@BlueSky44]: Leah had managed to get some boulders to drop, but not enough to bury Arcade!Ganon alive. However, it ended up not mattering. When Zari had shut off the mech, the sheer height of the fall and suddenness of it had ended up snapping Arcade's neck, killing him in the process. There were just two of them left now. And it was sudden death. Leah against Zari. The winner would win... well, they didn't really know. Usagi hadn't really spelled out what she was looking for exactly with this exercise. [hider=HP]Leah: ❤️ Zari: ❤️ Diana: 💀 Vicky: 💀 Arcade: 💀 Calamity Ganon: 💀 Master Hand: 💀 [/hider] [hider=Uniform Trim Colors]You can choose what variation of the uniform your character is in - i.e., pants or skirt or shorts. The top is going to be a plain white button up with a tie. In the winter months, people will put on an academy blazer or sweater on top, but it's likely way too warm for that right now. We're heavily drawing inspiration from [url=https://speedcosplay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/H7b239b38ba7e436cb76706f75a92e50bX.jpg]the Umbrella Academy uniforms[/url]. Green: Diana & Zelda Purple: Mary Sue, Ardere, Sabine, Leah Blue: Andy, Chi Mai, Zari, Vicky Red: Percy, Teddy, Dorian, Danni, Mads, April [/hider][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=42A9FF]April Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media.tenor.com/nEO6Ni4VmuQAAAAC/sydney-sweeney.gif[/img][hr][b][color=42A9FF]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room A [b][color=42A9FF]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] April plastered a smile on her face. [color=42A9FF]"Yeah, team bonding sounds great!"[/color] she exclaimed. She felt somewhat insane. She had been feeling totally fine, and then her thoughts pitched towards Danni and Dorian - who hadn't said a [i]word[/i] to her - and the completely epic bonding sessions they were probably having with their new team without her. They still needed to talk about... well, the rather sudden update in April's love life. But in this moment, she wondered... would they even care? Maybe they had realized over the summer that they didn't need her anymore - that they were more interested in other people - that the trio was over. The smile on her face turned to look slightly manic, a bit unhinged. [color=42A9FF]"Where would you want to take them? Ooo maybe we could do an escape room, I love those. I did one with my family over the summer and it was soooo cool, my mom took it like SUPER seriously and it was so funny to see her get all spun up and mad, swear she was about to smite my dad for a second with the wrath of Athena. She had this long rant about how we were all being sub-optimal. Super funny. Have you done an escape room before - with your mom or sis?"[/color] She then thought for a moment as to what their last trick could be, and April gasped. She was surprised this idea hadn't occurred to her before. [color=42A9FF]"What if we make a magic water pool - like, how in the movies witches can look into water and see things that are happening elsewhere, I can move the water to hang up like a circle or something in front of us, and you can enchant it to show us somewhere else?"[/color] "Alright, ladies, time is up. Whichever group would like to, please begin with your presentation," Lady Nimue said. She had conjured herself up a throne made of worn-stone, and she sat upon it, looking at them all with interest. [hider=Note to Rpers]This is the only round we have for this. Nally, you can bunny April in your post - just chat with me, we can also collab it if you'd like. Kirah/Natsu, either collab or split it up roughly half-and-half in your posts, talking to the other player to check in on bunnying.[/hider][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Percy Novikov[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://img.wattpad.com/2d1f3d73c54881dda120e2c253025d7a91255265/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5a762d492d4a6c325931775248773d3d2d313039343730343333362e313638656165646262353830313334623935383132373530343234352e676966[/img][hr][b][color=ed1c24]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room B [b][color=ed1c24]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Ser Nemo was hardly phased by Sabine's outburst. If anything, he seemed pleased by it. "I am holding you to that, young lady," he assured her. "I expect that you will demand it of everyone you surround yourself with - and not merely an old, tired man." He winked, as if the two of them had shared some sort of private joke. Angelica was fuming however - even though her charges seemed okay. Danni was shaken up, mostly about his clothing rather than anything else. And she was wondering whether it was really okay to leave these students with Ser Nemo. "This conversation isn't over," Angelica warned Nemo. Zelda seemed to be in better shape than she had been, wheres Teddy was as silent as the grave. Firestar sighed. "Teddy, let's go - Zelda, you can come or stay, it's up to you," she said, before leaving the room with the bear student. Teddy had been staring at Danni, and trying very hard to make it seem like he had NOT been staring at him. Percy returned from the showers a moment later, dressed in a clean replacement uniform. He had discarded his soiled rags into the nearest trash can available, only mildly intrigued to see that the garments had burst into flames once the lid was closed. He supposed incineration was one way to reduce waste on campus. He held his head high, schooling his features into a mask of calm disinterest, but his eyes were red and puffy. But his pride demanded he act like everything was fine. He raised an eyebrow, taking in Danni's appearance. That was certainly a look. He guessed they had had trouble with the bomb, too. Ser Nemo was crazy for that. Well, Percy was sure that the old man was crazy for a lot of reasons. That just happened to be one of them. [color=ed1c24]"Are you alright?"[/color] he asked Zelda simply, pointedly ignoring Dorian and Nemo. Sabine was fine with him. His eyes darted over towards her, to try to see if she was going to attempt to murder him, but she seemed more concerned with Danni.