[h3]Cecilia Feilding[/h3] [hr] Cecilia was genre-savvy enough to recognize the obvious tell-tale signs of being Narnia’d, or more commonly, isekai’d. Being genre-savvy enough to know the obvious signs doesn’t mean one is in a position to immediately recognize the fact, however. Finding one’s self in strange and bizarre environments where things had previously been exceptionally normal can seriously mess with you. Human psychology or something. Well, it was obvious that Cecilia didn’t do well with outside context problems, and it took Cecilia some time of staring blank-eyed at a beat-up tree before the gears started turning in her otherwise generally smart brain of hers. Until she got a text-to-speech voice message beamed straight to her brain, that was. That, that was bullshit. “That sounds more like the devil than God,” she muttered, resolving to classify the ‘sender’ as a Being or Entity rather than the Christian god that she was far more familiar with. A real god wouldn’t put her in a skimpy bikini, tell her it was clothing, and then force her to wear it in some messed up sort of skill-based hostage system. Yes, she could feel that the bloody bikini was giving her a boost of some sort. She didn’t like it. Cecilia glanced over to the wolf red riding hood lady and frowned. She was talking and yelling a little too much for her taste. “If you don’t like that outfit, we can swap,” she offered. Unlike what Cecilia was wearing, what the girl was wearing was cute. It was cosplay that she wouldn’t mind wearing, unlike what she had on now… She crossed her hands, under her all-too breezy chest. “I don’t hear anything either.”