[@Red Wizard] [b][color=f7941d][h1] [center]Thorfinn Erikson [/center][/h1][/color][/b] Thorfinn was drinking and singing along with the songs of his people. Enjoying the brief moment of joy before venturing into the deep darkness of the mountain. He had brought his lute along which he was playing along with the other dwarves. His voice joined in with the other’s singing. It sounded quite loud and seemed much louder than the others. He had said his goodbyes to his wife, children, and grandchildren. He knew that this mission would be quite dangerous so he wanted to say goodbye to his family. For the time being he was enjoying being merry with his fellow dwarves. Thorfinn was discussing with the other older dwarfs about past adventures. Reminiscing about the time when he was younger when he fought and killed a hundred or so drow elves. Of course, there was some exasperation in his story, but nevertheless, it was a good story. Thorfinn raised his mug of beer joining in on the choirs of cheers for their ancestors. The older dwarf excused himself before walking over towards the other chosen heroes. “[color=f7941d][b]This is quite a fest don’t you think? Good mead and even better friends to share it with.[/b][/color]” He took a seat finally being where he was supposed to be.